Sporting Shooter UK – August 2019

(Dana P.) #1


breeds tolerance

LIke many other readers I could only look in amazement at the photo on your
letters page (June issue - Proper Red Letter Day!) What a day! To be truthful, I
wish I could have been there. In my part of the world, I sometimes wonder if we
have 1,500 woodpigeon in the whole of Pembrokeshire!
But a few moments later the old grey brain cells started to light up. I’m 64
(almost) and still have my faculties (just!). As a shooter, I fully understand the
need for crop protection and, bearing in mind the woodpigeons’ success sto
as a breeding species, I was not phased by the number of slain in the photo.
But what if a non-shooting person had picked up the magazine and seen t
photograph? With the recent publicity over the general licence debacle in
England, with Wild Justice, what might our non-shooting person think?
Slaughter! Why shoot so many?
We will never satisfy the real antis with any reasoning such as legitimate p
control of a sustainable species, but I honestly believe that the majority of the
British people are ambivalent towards shooting.
Perhaps a few more words of explanation might help. Such as: The birds
had been building up for a few weeks – how many? 5,000? 10,000?
A lot of crops protected: how about acreage and the monetary cost to the
farmers of these crops being devastated by pigeons?
And finally, what happened to the shot birds? Hopefully, they went into the
food chain. A worthy end to a noble quarry.
There are many things I don’t agree with but mostly I am tolerant. If we want
the non-shooting public to be tolerant of our activities, at least they need to be
aware of why we do it. Understanding breeds tolerance.

Mike Thomas-Palmer, Pembrokeshire

THE EDITOR REPLIES: Thank you for your well-argued letter. I agree, in light
of the general licences furore, that more could have been made of the critical
crop protection message. However, this was written and printed before the
licences were revoked and the issue became such a sensitive one.
I would add that generally speaking in all our pigeon articles with Andy Crow,
we are careful to explain which crops are being protected and why – it is a
central theme to the
articles. And the fact is,
we are a shooting
magazine, aimed at
shooters who, like you,
want to know about such
stories. In many ways you
could argue that pictures
like this serve to
emphasise exactly why
we need to control
pigeons – think of the
damage these birds
would wreak on a
farmer’s crop.
However, I do take
your point that more
could have been made
of this fact in the letter,
for those that might seek
to use such pictures
against us.




BAILING TEEN is an anagram
of the formation of people and
dogs used to flush birds on a
pheasant drive.


Win Gunslip (August), Sporting Shooter, Evolution House,
2-6 Easthampstead Road, Wokingham RG40 2EG, or email
your answer to [email protected]

RULES: Closing date is 1 August.
Answer will be published in the
September issue. Normal Sporting
Shooter rules apply. For full terms
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Win Gunslip August
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closing date of 1 August




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Congratulations to PIUS MURPHY from IRELAND.
The answer was ELMER FUDD.

The Maremmano gunslip is classically styled and extremely robust,
allowing you to carry your gun safely and protect it from scratches and
bumps. The body of the slip is made from durable tan canvas, with the
lovely dark leather adjustable strap and carry handles creating a nice
contrast. Fully padded in foam,
and lined with cool tartan, this
slip really looks the part.^2















Plas-tastic!I was heartened to read your article last month about the
fibre vs plastic debate. Our community is always under fire in the media, and I personally think that because of this it is
very important that we do all we can to be beyond criticism. Constantly using the conservation argument to
defend shooting while simultaneously firing plastic into the countryside does seem a little hypocritical, even to me as a
lifelong shooter, and I think it is only a matter of time before the antis clock onto this and begin using it against us.
us in a very strong position. We do so much good for the If we can sort the problem first off our own backs, it puts
countryside, it would be a shame if something like plastic

wads, which is an avoidable issue, were to ruin it. Similar to the way that raptor persecution undermines
the good gamekeepers do for the moors, plastic wads have the same potential to undermine the good our
gamekeepers and shoot owners do for the countryside on lower grounds.
the case already, and that several cartridge manufacturers It’s fantastic to hear that people in the community are on
are working towards a solution that will satisfy everyone. News like this makes me very proud to be a shooter!
John P. Pinkworth, Cumbria

Something to get off your chest? Shoot us a line by post or emailWRITE TO Letters, Sporting Shooter, Evolution House, 2-6 Easthampstead Road,
Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 2EG EMAIL [email protected]

The Seeland Weston Club Classic Waistcoat is a great all-round waistcoat for the sporting shooter. It features large cartridge pockets, reinforced shoulder patches and a back game pocket, making it ideal for both clay and game shooting.
Available in sizes S-5XL in classic pine green. See for details
I thought readers might like to see the results of a great day’s pigeon shooting had on our shoot here in North Hampshire last summer.
if it would be possible to hit the 1,000 mark. So on 20 July last year, after After a few bumper days on the farm over the years, I’d often wondered
weeks of monitoring the birds, I got my ‘dream team’ together (including Sir Edward Dashwood) and we set up at four hides around the farm to

(^) attempt the 1,000 bag over a field of rape stubbles. We started at 9am and
finished up at 6pm. The birds had been building for a couple of weeks and I knew we were in for a good day, but I couldn’t believe it when we tallyed
them up at the end of the day.... We’d shot 1,542! We went out the following weekend too and shot another 300. That’s a
lot of crops protected!
Fred Beales, Hampshire
Proper red letter day!
To win your own Seeland Weston Club Waistcoat, simply send your letter to us at the above address.
14 http://www.sp
Pbe conseAs a growhich we shoot, can we onversit a cthrowing plathe threpublic’s awarenup of recently come to tlastic pollutirvationat toists of thpeople whowads into the estic ati on marine athat is being haon of the environmend lass; da consider nemage he forefront of atural surroureally nd-basebd to the oceans aenvironmente snt has themtheto be d wildlife makeon a daileen es to selvndindyngs i? (^) basis. n (^) Strutt game shooting? queused for shooAre plastic wads currentthan thallowed whenre sponsWhen we looke percentage of fibrstion:& Paes from cker Do you think rlos game shhe ting shootinggame, at t driven game? e to 8,500 shoperceplastic wadooting survey it is co nside. The ntages of ply a big part of Guns on Peg sheraoters to thsould bbly smal sawlastic wads e er l (^) e s / That numberYes – 3%of game shdiffer froverlThe resI doneaf reom what the man ponse Yes, unt, who awas:til th ere of 69% could be fully ooters as a wholpor’t mind 11%– ufactuersis a suitll suggest that e, although it dNo – 69%able altre presentatquestioned ernative the – 1oes7%ive
surprising forproportion of fiThat a issuemajority tendbr a number livestf plastic wad othem frownedoc k hae wads shoots, people have or farmer. Conseshoot is run b to chos, forof reasons. s being espethey sell is clodecadesciallyy the landbou upon atose fibre is hardanger where the , made ser quently, manThe perght f many ous toceived ibreto 90%. dly owner wads y
thatit the stbecause demaa chfibre game shells than plastic, this isha s beenicken andoc kholding tManynd hascartridgemakes sen eggdriv retail outt guor two fibre d fo r the entire haas a mattsomeonsit uat pusheding peopleletnshops cers tend to cae might oion. Dose to buy ttowar them that way of cothey do thaays pseason. er seasonnly go on onds fibre? rry morhe sameurse. Even if arry as a whole someth or ist ing of e it e
Plaswadstime wherefibre of boxes ofOnshooters mgood daworryThe vast majority of game about fire ofis a sight consider recoily’s shoo the p calight ire duction eting if they get th mirc eivedrtridgeng high numbers ofs. Therefore, ght become a benefiin feltthat they have h b irds shot in ts of plaswads ov shots in how many n issue recoil. Many game rough a ca short UK?ad a er the ouple
are killed at refibre wads, althyards; lookingpast 45 yardwad distances. Theof 28g you will needPlastic game shells arecan bris, meanin to shoot this more than ng onco nsequough whe reallyently,ively sholat benea fibre wad highest birds fits to a pattugh to cleenog thaten looking at thrt range, less hav unlesse any influen marginally cheapeit’s unlikely that ern that gamanly thane cartre coa p kill at thesyou are out ceidglastr t hanst of 30 e ic e a
day’s shocheapest part of it so most wfew extra pounds oting, the cartridgesper thousand ill ha are inppily spenshells ably the variforfibre.d a
towards an all-fibre future? And what would that mWith the topic of plastic pollution hotting up, we ask whetTHE BIG DEBAean for high bird shooters or wildfowlher game shooting is moving TE ers?
Plasand onlhas been protic manufacturers are Around 8.3over the next fiincrease pPROBLEM!y 9% roductiPLASTIC bn tonnes of pduced since the 19has been recycled. on by plone ve years.anning to 50s stic third la
What will be inin the future? your bag
WORTH £59.99!
Fred, Andy, Sam and Ben after a truly successful day

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