Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1

me the best tips, so diving into motherhood
with my child, I felt more confident. Now, as
those babies get older, I’m still learning and
preparing for the future [with Rise]. One is
eating solids now, so I’m learning her way
of eating and how to hold her. I’m learning
through the kids on my set!”
At home, the actress has husband Elan
as a constant source of support. “I just
love watching them together,” she beams of
father and son. “It’s opened up another part
of his heart. Elan is the most compassionate,
kindest man. He’s so in touch with himself,
and so present. I’m very excited to watch
them grow together. Now, we’re working
on no sleep at all but I am reminded that
this is such a quick moment. It will go by
so fast. My first solo outing was actually the
B&B anniversary party, which was eight
days after I gave birth. My husband watched
Rise, and it was great for them to have one-
on-one time so they could bond even more.

put his feet in the water, she came run-
ning into the ocean. I couldn’t believe
it! And, she blocked the wave from him.
She stood there and she wouldn’t leave.
They have such a wonderful bond.”

Puppy Love

QThere was one other family member who
easily adapted to the new addition: Wood’s
beloved pit bull, Ja’mie. “As we’re talking
right now, my dog is licking the bottom of his
feet,” she relays, despite some critical feed-
back from fans. “I knew from day one during
my pregnancy, and for the rest of my life,
there will be judgment no matter what I do,”
she sighs. “Let’s say if I wasn’t taking photos
with my dog and Rise, it would be, ‘You’re
neglecting your dog.’ But if I post photos of
them, they’re like, ‘You shouldn’t have a dog
around a baby.’ It’s one or the other. I grew
up around dogs — and wolves. Animals
have always been in my life. My dog is well-
trained and I can pick up on cues. She is
the sweetest. I knew they were going to be
good, but I didn’t expect it to be this good.
She has been his protector. We went to the
beach a few days ago and I put Rise’s feet in
the ocean for the first time. My dog hates the
ocean. She stays far away from it but when I





















I got to have fun and let loose — as much as
I could — but it was like a week-and-a-half
postpartum, so it wasn’t like I was going to
do anything crazy. I’m a true believer in bal-
ance. I want to be there for my son, but it’s
really important to nurture the relationship
with my husband. We actually squeezed
in one night at Coachella as a date night....
Thank goodness for our moms!”
As Wood looks back on her monumental
year, she marvels at all of the changes she’s
experienced. “Are you kidding? It’s been an
amazing year! Just amazing!” she exclaims.
“Becoming a mom? And then walking up
on that stage [at the Emmys]? That was sur-
real! You can totally tell I was not expecting
it but I was just so, so happy, and just thrilled
beyond belief, just to be in the company of
those women! I don’t know if the second half
[of 2019] will compare but hey, I’m open
[laughs]. I’m up for it! I am just feeling truly
blessed right now, and so, so, so grateful.” 

Dog Day
Wood marvels
at Ja’mie’s
nature over
“sib” Rise.
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