Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1
police commissioner, albeit it wild and
unorthodox, infused life into the Salem
cop shop. As Eve ran amok, fueled by
revenge, it gave Rafe, Lani and Eli the
opportunity to stand up for what’s right
and just. In particular, it moved Eli to the
forefront as he continually challenged Eve
and called out her transgressions.
Marlena’s utilization as the town’s
trusted psychiatrist has been revved up,
from counseling Abigail through her
multiple personalty disorder, to guiding
Haley through her suicide attempt and

show can’t find a viable story for
Hope and, no, her forced pairing
with Ted Laurent doesn’t cut it.

Hope For The Future:
Kristian Alfonso’s
Hope needs a
proper story
that honors her
and history.

immigration problems, to reach-
ing the dangerously spiraling
Claire. Above all, she’s helped
steer Ben’s transition back into
society and continues to be a stabilizing
influence in his life.
On the romance front, Sarah, a hot
mess heroine caught between hubby Rex
and his brother Eric, continues to take
center stage. Sarah and Eric’s agonizing
longing for each other is the stuff of soap
decades gone by, back when supercouple
status was the end goal. JJ and Haley have
emerged as the young couple to root for,
while good guy Tripp hovers on the side-
lines becoming more and more smitten
with his cousin’s girl. It has the makings
of an intriguing triangle.


Honorable Hope would
never fall for the seedy

slightly tempted by him tarnishes
the character.
As for Hope’s ex, Rafe, since
taking on the care of young
David, he’s been dividing his time
between diaper duty and the cop
shop. Surely this can’t be his fate
now that he’s finally realized his
dream of “fatherhood”.
Several vets are being seriously
underused. Justin and Adrienne,
prominent members of the Kiriakis
clan, are barely seen. The couple
was MIA during Sonny’s crisis with
Will and even missed the pair’s
wedding. Meanwhile, John has
turned into a peripheral player
since the exits of Diana and Leo;
and poor Abe finds himself in
no man’s land without Sheila to
bicker and banter with. Kayla’s
been in limbo since Steve’s abrupt
departure a year ago. Although

Needs^ Im

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