Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1

What was your most memorable celebrity
encounter at CBS? “Meeting Eric Roberts when
he was on our show playing a lawyer [ex-Vance].
He was in a karate movie called Best of the Best
with Chris Penn and James Earl Jones. Growing
up, a bunch of friends and I loved that movie and
watched it over and over. I always regretted not
asking him to say a certain line from the movie.”
What was your klutziest moment on the set?
“When I got my arm broken during a fight scene in
2015 with Scott Elrod, who played Joe Clark.”
What is your favorite set? “Cane and Lily’s house. When we got that set, it was such
a big deal to me. It was so great to look on the call sheet and see ‘Chancellor Living
Room’, then ‘Cane and Lily’s House’. I would go, ‘Wow, that’s my set.’ ”
Where do you hide your script pages on set? “Under any sofa cushion on any set,
but then I’ll forget which cushion and have to tear it apart. Or I’ll sit on a sofa and feel
something, so I’ll look and find someone else’s script. If you open any desk drawer on
any set, you’ll find lots of other people’s scripts.”
Ever have a wardrobe malfunction? “Oh, yeah. I would wait till the last minute to
put on my wardrobe. They were saying, ‘Daniel to the set,’ and I put on a pair of jeans
and I realized they gave me Jason Thompson’s jeans by mistake. They only came up to
my knees. So I’m stuck there while they’re calling me to the set and there wasn’t any-
thing I could do but wait for my jeans to arrive.”


Thompson (Billy)

What was your klutziest moment
on the set? “Just 10 minutes ago I
tripped on a rug when I was walking
Adam out the door.”
Which is your favorite set? “I really
like Billy and Victoria’s living room
when it’s all there; the front door, the
stairs and the kitchen area. I feel real
comfortable in the Jabot and Abbott
living room sets, as well, but I have to
say there’s something about Billy and















Daniel Goddard


Victoria’s house.”
Where do you hide your script
pages on set? “I use a binder to keep
my pages in because I like to be orga-
nized, and a majority of the time, it’s
under, behind or stuffed into a couch.
Depending on the shot, our stage man-
ager will take it and give it back to me
when we’re done with a scene.”
What do you usually do during the
lunch break? “If I’m not blocking
scenes and have a whole lunch break
off, I’ll walk over to Erehwon [grocery
store] and grab some breakfast.”
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