Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1
I would
like to see
photos of
Sasha Calle
(Lola, Y&R)
and Sarah
Jeffery of
and Nia
Sioux (ex-
Emma, B&B)
and Raven
Robert M.,
via email


Southern California) women’s beach
volleyball team. If she is just turning
16, how is this possible? Is she really
older than 16? In any case, she is a
great actress. Thanks.
Marilyn Meyer
A McCoy did indeed recently celebrate
her 16th birthday. The actress has com-
mitted to playing for USC’s volleyball
team in the future, but she is still in high
school. She will graduate in 2021 and will
be in the class of 2025 at USC.


On Y&R, didn’t Summer and
Fen once bully some shy teen-
ager? What happened to that kid?
A.J., via email
A In 2012, Summer didn’t approve of
her mom, Phyllis, dating Ronan, so af-

ter finding out that he was mentoring
a troubled teen named Jamie, Summer
started harassing the kid on social me-
dia. Fen found out, begged Summer to
stop and she eventually did. A remorse-
ful Summer genuinely befriended Jamie,
which made Fen jealous and he resumed
the bullying. When a distraught Jamie
was considering suicide, he slipped off
the roof of a building. He survived the
fall but accused Fen of pushing him, and
Baldwin was arrested. However, Jamie
was soon poised to jump from the same
rooftop, where he admitted to Paul that
was wracked with guilt for lying about
Fen. Paul talked down the young man
and since Jamie’s dad was in prison,
Ronan requested and was granted guard-
ianship. Ronan then accepted a job in

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