Star Magazine USA – August 12, 2019

(Marcin) #1


HOUGH he’s been single(-ish)
for almost three years, Brad Pitt
has spent the bulk of the time sep-
arated from soon-to-be ex-wife
Angelina Jolie staying under the
radar. Not anymore, says a source
close to the star: Boosted by the buzz sur-
rounding his new movie, Once Upon a Time
in Hollywood, “Brad’s finally back to his old
self again — but not the married,
henpecked Brad.” Star’s insider reports that
the 55-year-old actor is reliving the 1990s,
where he was widely considered to be one of
Hollywood’s most eligible bachelors — but
with one notable difference: “Back then, he
didn’t take advantage of it.”
A year after the demise of his highly
publicized engagement to Seven costar
Gwyneth Paltrow in 1997, Brad jumped
into a relationship with Jennifer Aniston,
eventually tying the knot in 2000, then left
that five-year marriage for his Mr. & Mrs.
Smith costar. But now, with his divorce from
Angelina almost final, Brad’s letting go of
the tied-down life and finally embracing the
benefits of being single.

Now that Brad’s had plenty of time to heal
— and his legal battles with Angelina, 44,

First, there are the

combination of the above!)
Secrecy is, obviously, a priority, not least
because Angelina would “absolutely” use
Brad’s love life against him if she could.
“She’s heard rumors,” the source explains,
“but there’s nothing she can do, because
she doesn’t have any proof. She’s fit to be
tied!” And though she dumped him shortly
after the family’s infamous 2016 flight from
France to L.A. — during which a boozy
Brad allegedly had a physical altercation
with Maddox — the source says “the bot-
tom line is that Angelina doesn’t want to
see Brad happy, which is why she’s been
dragging out the divorce.” Adds the insider,
“If she had the names of these women he’s
been seeing, she’d use it against him and the
divorce would hit another roadblock.”

Luckily for Brad, “he’s very good at sneak-
ing around Los Angeles undetected,” spills
the source. “He picks his dates up on his
motorcycle, which they love, then wines and
dines them at friends’ restaurants, where they
can sit in a private room and sneak in and out
the back door.” He’s also taken them hiking
in Malibu, “on the private trails behind the
homes of some of his famous pals. It’s very
romantic,” the insider says, “with gorgeous
views and lots of wildlife.”
No wonder, then, that Brad’s been

confides. “Lots of it. Though

to these women. He’s being
up-front and telling them

But, a source whispers,
one of the women might
be a special someone
Brad could get more
serious with. For now,
at least, nobody’s
complaining, the
source notes:
“These women
are having
the time
of their
lives!” ★

AUGUST 12, 2019 Star 35

Angie’s In

The Dark!
“Angelina’s got her spies on
the lookout, trying to dig up
any bit of dirt she can on these
women,” says a source. “She’d
love to use it against him!” But
Brad’s being extra careful.

Solid Wingman
Costar Leo, no stranger to
models, introduced Brad to
the two he’s dating. “They
actually know each other,”
the source says, “but they
don’t care about sharing
Brad because they’re both
having a blast.”



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