The Week India – July 14, 2019

(Tina Sui) #1
38 THE WEEK • JULY 14, 2019


President Lobsang Sangay runs the
Central Tibetan Administration from
Gangchen Kyishong, a 10-minute drive
from the Dalai Lama’s offi ce on the
winding Temple Road in Dharamshala.
The government in exile has seven
departments—religion and culture,
home, fi nance, education, security,
information and international relations,
and health. Run by Kashags (cabinet
ministers), they look after the welfare
of 1.5 lakh Tibetan refugees. The CTA
has its own judiciary, executive and
legislature (parliament in exile) and
holds elections every fi ve years.
In an exclusive interview, Lobsang
told THE WEEK that the envoys of the
Dalai Lama were ready to hold talks
with China any time, anywhere. China,
however, is putting enormous pressure
on Nepal to prevent Tibetans from
crossing over. Excerpts:
Are you concerned about the
decline in the Tibetan population in
The Tibetan population in exile remains
the same at around 1.5 lakh, of which
around 50,000 are living abroad (out-
side India). However, there has been
a decline in the number of Tibetans
coming into exile from Tibet. There
were a few thousands coming till 2008;
now it is a few hundreds.
Are you satisfi ed with the Indian
government’s help? Do you need
any concessions?

No country has done more for Tibetans
than India. For that we will always
remain grateful to India and its people.
The Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy of
2014 is one of many initiatives the
Indian government has taken. Just as
China considers Tibet one of its core
issues, I appeal to the Indian govern-
ment to include Tibet in its core issues,
considering the historical, environ-
mental and geopolitical signifi cance
of Tibet.
What is the CTA’s policy towards
The CTA’s offi cial policy is the Mid-
dle-Way Approach, which aims at
resolving the issue of Tibet through
dialogue. And through this approach,
we are seeking genuine autonomy for
the Tibetan people.
Are you open to talks with the Chi-
nese government?
Of course. The envoys of His Holiness
the Dalai Lama are always willing and
ready to meet with the Chinese repre-
sentatives any time and anywhere.
What role do you see for India in
bringing Tibet and China together?
India can play a constructive role in
resolving the Tibet issue based on the
Middle-Way Approach.
How important is the reincarnation
of the 14th Dalai Lama for the Tibet-
an people?
Chenrezig (the Bodhisattva of Compas-

sion) and Tibet are inseparable. The Dalai
Lamas (believed to be manifestations of
Chenrezig) and the Tibetan people are
inseparable. The Dalai Lamas have unit-
ed the Tibetans, becoming a powerful
There are concerns about infi ghting
within the CTA. How do you
see politics impacting your
We have a democracy and there will
be diff erences of views. That is all.
Since 2007, we have had a 78 per
cent increase in voter registration and
participation. We are also seeing more
electoral participation among the Tibetan
Are you the smallest government in
exile in the world?
There are several governments in exile,
and ours is likely to be the most eff ective
one. We have a literacy rate of 94 per
cent, and the CTA has several depart-
ments that cater to all-round welfare of
the Tibetan community. The CTA has
also been advocating for the Tibet issue
around the world.
Why is your government called the
Central Tibetan Administration and
not government in exile?
We have been trying to accommodate
the Chinese concerns and changed
the name from the Tibetan govern-
ment-in-exile to CTA. The title of the
prime minister of the CTA was changed
to ‘president’ or the Sikyong (in 2012).


Lobsang Sangay
president, Central Tibetan Administration

Ready to talk to China





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