The Week India – July 14, 2019

(Tina Sui) #1
JULY 14, 2019 • THE WEEK 65

his wife when she got tenure in Columbia
University. “My mother had been through
so much,” she says. “She was really shamed
when she was in India and was in an abu-
sive marriage that was not her fault. So, she
came to the US to start a new life. She had
been keeping this traumatic incident from
me and [trying to] reinvent herself.”
Her mother opened up about her fi rst
marriage to Bhagwati one day “over coff ee”.
Bhagwati was shocked. She also talks about
an incident when her mother went to the
room of a colleague, who unzipped himself
in front of her. She ran out screaming. When
her mother complained to the head, she
was told that that was the way things were.
“It was a classic Harvey Weinstein story,”
says Bhagwati.
Years later, Bhagwati encountered similar
systemic sexism in the Marines. It was her
mother’s experience that helped her fi nd
the courage to support others. “I was in
command of 400 troops at one time. It was a
lot of responsibility,” she says. “When there
was someone who was sexually harassing
the women in my unit, it was my moment of
reckoning. My mother gave me the courage
to stick up for myself and these women.”

Th e offi cer was promoted instead and put
in charge of the women that he was harass-
ing. All the women in the unit, including
Bhagwati, left. “Th e military is such an over-
whelmingly sexist place,” she says. “Th ere
is no room to breathe, sometimes, as a
woman. I was just surviving from day to day.
It is sweeping, and built into every aspect of
your training. It was not till a few years later
that I started connecting the dots between
my mother’s experiences and my own.”
In the military, Bhagwati writes movingly
about being brown, a woman and trying to
fi ght for equality. “I served during a time
when it was criminal to come out of the
closet,” she says. “Th ere was a policy of
‘don’t ask don’t tell’, which forbid you to be
gay, bisexual and transgender. I had a little
bit of privilege because I was an offi cer. But
I would look at what was happening in the
unit. I knew marines who were deeply in
the closet. I just did not talk about it with
anyone in uniform.”
Now an activist, Bhagwati fi ghts with
“rabble rousers” for equality. Th ere is a
backlash but there is also hope. Th ere is
yoga, vipassana and swimming. Th ere is
healing and forgiveness. Her parents have
read about her pain and her courage. “My
father read the book in one night,” she
says. “Cover to cover. I asked him what he
thought. He said, ‘I am so proud of you.’
He said it was hard. He cried while reading
many portions. Because it hit him hard. Th e
parts where I was suff ering. I am guessing
it was about not being able to protect your
child. I told him that I am okay now. If I
was not okay, I would not have been able to
write this book.”
She gets emails every day about how
her story helped girls and women feel not
alone. She helps many more girls fi nd their
voice through her work with the Service
Women’s Action Network (SWAN). She has
also helped the other side to understand.
“For me, the most interesting part has been
watching my dad evolve over the last three
months,” she says. “I think he has a deeper
appreciation of what I went through and
what my mother went through. I did not ex-
pect this. But part of it is that men and boys
also read the book. Th ey also have a deeper
understanding of what women and girls go
through. I think my dad is part of this.”



Bhagwati with
parents in 2001

Unbecoming: A Memoir of
Author: Anuradha Bhagwati
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Pages: 321
Price: 0699
Free download pdf