See Beyond – July 2019

(coco) #1

René’s book provides life-changing, transforma-
tional experiences to a global readership. Though
written for professional women, men have also
benefitted from the 6 Power Zone Principles™.
In Leaving Your Comfort Zone, René shares her
passion for helping professional women lead
their lives from their Power Zones. The Power
Zone is where transformation happens, courage
is found, inspiration is fired up, and passion
combines with confidence to help you achieve
your dreams. When women explore the bound-
aries of their comfort zone, they can become an
empowered leader in all areas of life, creating
a ripple effect with those they influence. This
enriches their lives, businesses, and the com-

Leaving your

Comfort Zone

Elly’s beautifully illustrated children's book
inspires both young and old to explore the po-
tential of their mind. Annabelle demonstrates
what it takes to develop telekinetic abilities.
Her commitment inspires us with possibility
and we learn that so much is available when
we put our heart and soul into something that

By René Johnson



The Domino

By Elly Molina

July/August 2019

munities they serve.
Empowered leaders
are much needed at
all levels in our so-
ciety and the world
today. Similar books
offer inspiration but
leave you thinking, now what? In Leaving Your Comfort
Zone, René gently and passionately coaches readers
through the 6 Power Zone Principles™, while sharing
her personal story and client examples. The step-by-
step instructions can turn inspiration into powerful
Available at

truly matters. The story is inspired by the author's experi-
ences while teaching in the Pacific Northwest.
Free download pdf