
(Nancy Kaufman) #1


What is



It’s a natural health product and
the #1 pharmacist-recommended
brand for CVI. Made in France,
Antistax® is derived from red-vine-
leaf extract and is clinically proven
to reduce symptoms of CVI, such
as tired, heavy, swollen legs and
varicose veins. Optimal results
were seen within six weeks when
Antistax® is taken daily.

Since CVI is a chronic condition,
taking Antistax® daily can help
manage CVI symptoms and
provide signifi cant relief.

Clinical studies show that
symptoms return once Antistax®
treatment is stopped.

(^1) md Briefcase, 2017.
Ipsos Canadian U&A, November 2017.
Always read and follow instructions on the label.
For use beyond 12 weeks, contact your health-care professional.
Free Your Legs!
Are tired, heavy and swollen legs weighing you
down? If so, you’re not alone: Up to 40 percent
of the population is aff ected by chronic venous
insuffi ciency (CVI) symptoms.^1
CVI occurs when walls and/or valves in the veins of the lower legs no
longer function properly. This can occur over time due to aging, obesity,
inactivity, standing for long periods of time, or hormones, among other
things. As a result, blood doesn’t circulate in the lower legs as it should,
instead pooling and causing the pain you may be all too familiar with:
CVI is a common condition but women are particularly prone to it. Most
people with CVI have symptoms all year round, but many experience
them more intensely during the summer months.

Suff erers often get accustomed to living with the symptoms of CVI,
treating the discomfort with things such as home remedies, compression
stockings and over-the-counter painkillers. Many assume their leg pain
is just a predictable part of daily life, unaware that their symptoms are
caused by a medical condition – one that may deteriorate over time,
without proper treatment.

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