The entrepreneur building
an alternative energy future
FROM STANDING ROCK to Trans Mountain, it is now, sadly, an
all-too-familiar image: large groups of outraged, despondent
Indigenous protestors united against yet another pipeline that
threatens their land and water. But a story that gets a lot less
exposure —and one that off ers a lot more hope—is that of the
dozens of Indigenous communities building alternatives to
those pipelines.
In 2017, about one-fi fth of the renewable energy projects in
Canada were owned and operated by Indigenous communi-
ties, generating both clean power and jobs. This September,
many of those projects will be the subject of a new 13-part doc-
umentary series called Power to the People, airing on the
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. The host of the series
is Melina Laboucan-Massimo, a member of the Lubicon Cree
First Nation, a former Greenpeace Canada climate campaigner
and, most recently, a Climate Change Fellow at the David
Suzuki Foundation. If Laboucan-Massimo wasn’t hosting the
show, she might well have been one of its stars. In 2011, her
home community of Little Buff alo, Alta., already devastated
by decades of resource extraction, was the site of a pipeline
rupture and one of the largest oil spills in the province’s his-
tory. Four years later, as part of a master’s degree project in
Indigenous governance at the University of Victoria, Laboucan-
Massimo helped Little Buffalo build a 20.8-kilowatt solar
installation to power the local health centre. Not only did it
demonstrate to the community that renewable energy was
accessible and could create employment but it was also both
a way toward a sustainable future and a link to the past.
Lubicon Solar, the fi rm she formed to implement the project,
has since solarized houses for the Tiny House Warriors, a
group of activists who have built homes on the path of the
proposed Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. “The way
Indigenous people live in connection with Mother Earth is
through reciprocity,” Laboucan-Massimo says. “Giving and
taking, honour and respect. You don’t take more than you
need. Renewables are a rejuvenative energy; they’re about
respect and love for the land and ensuring that it’s passed on
to future generations.”
Droughts, fl ooding
and extreme weather
around the world will
drive people out of
their homes by the
millions. Small island
states like Tuvalu and
the Seychelles could
fully disappear.
Bangladesh and the
Philippines may
become largely
uninhabitable. And
California is already
experiencing water
shortages. Canada’s
vast space and
abundant resources
will make it a magnet
for climate refugees.
The results are hard
to predict, but what’s
certain is that people
are coming en masse.
Canada, for all its problems, will
look desirable to climate refugees