Go for a walk—
it’ll help you live
Don’t just sit there—do something, anything. Swapping
just 30 minutes of sitting for any activity can reduce your
chances of an early death by up to 35 percent.
And you don’t necessarily have to sweat it out at the
gym; gentle exercise—even just walking around—can
help you live longer.
“Physical activity of any intensity provides health
benefits,” said Keith Diaz, one of the researchers from
Columbia University Irving Medical Center who assessed
the health and activity levels of 8,000 people who were
at least 45 years old at the start of the study.
The researchers discovered that those who swapped
30 minutes of sitting for moderate to high-intensity
exercise reduced their chances of premature death by 35
percent, but even those who barely broke a sweat and
walked around saw their risk drop by 17 percent.
If 30 minutes sounds like a long time, even a couple
of minutes of moderate to vigorous activity still yielded
health benefits.
The discovery is especially pertinent to those who
spend long periods sitting, such as at work. It’s been
estimated that around 25 percent of adults spend eight
or more hours a day sitting. Even going for a lunchtime
walk could make all the difference, the researchers say.
In an earlier study, the same researchers had found
that people who sit for an hour or more without getting
up, even to walk around, had the greatest risk of an early
death. Conversely, those who sat for 30 minutes or less
had the lowest risk.
Am J Epidemiol, 2019; 188: 537–
Mindful practices
including yoga, tai
chi and qigong have
all been shown to
benefit brain