The power of hypnosis
RTT is a new therapy and has not yet been subjected
to clinical trials, but it is partly based on the power of
hypnosis to affect positive change in mind and body.
Hypnosis was accepted by the American and British
Medical Associations as having a valid application in
medicine as long ago as the 1950s, and thousands
of studies have demonstrated its efficacy for a variety
of conditions, including those commonly addressed
by hypnotherapists: smoking cessation,^1 weight
loss,^2 sleep problems,^3 stress^4 and gastrointestinal
disorders like irritable bowel syndrome.^5
A 2005 review of hypnosis in contemporary
medicine looked at studies of the technique across 17
clinical areas including, allergy, childbirth, pain relief,
cancer treatment and healing from surgery and
injury.^6 The review author, Dr James H. Stewart of
the Mayo Clinic in Florida, concluded that, despite
substantial variation in techniques, “many important
trials... have established the utility and efficacy of
hypnosis for several medical conditions, either alone
or as part of the treatment regimen.”
Hypnosis is not just a placebo or process of
following instructions: brain imaging studies show
that it produces definite changes in the areas of the
brain thought to be involved in focused attention,
monitoring and control of body functions, and the
awareness and
evaluation of a
person’s internal
and external
Sofia Megzari:www.thinkingology.com
Rapid Transformational Therapy:
Marisa Peer: http://www.marisapeer.com
“It is very interactive,” says Sofia. “What I do changes
depending on the person. Eventually after working
through all this, we get to a point where the person
understands where it came from, why it made them feel
this way and that they are ready to let it go.’”
RTT offers two processes to release the imprint of
memories and beliefs, which it teaches have a genuine
effect on the body and the creation of disease. One is
‘command cell therapy,’ a process of visualization where
you create a mental picture of the mind controlling
every cell in your body to do exactly what you want it to.
“I had a cyst in my throat that I was supposed to have
operated on around the time of the RTT course,” says
Sofia. “I had to postpone surgery because of the course,
and then I worked on it with this visualization exercise.
It had been 3 cm [over an inch] in diameter, but when I
returned home from the course it had almost vanished.”
Although Sofia previously had a very weak immune
system, since discovering RTT,
whenever she has a hint of flu
coming on she listens to one of her
own recordings. “Within a half
hour I feel everything leaving my
body, and I realize that when you
are intensely focusing on every cell
healing itself, it actually does!”
The other clearing technique is
the ‘healing vortex.’ The client is
asked to imagine a vortex passing
over their body, cleansing and taking
away any illness through the bottom
of their feet—another technique
Sofia finds useful if she is getting ill.
The final part of an RTT session involves the therapist
creating a transformative recording, 15–20 minutes
long and tailored to the client’s goal, using empowering
words and concepts that have emerged during the
session. Clients are encouraged to listen to this at least
once a day for a minimum of three weeks, or as long as it
takes for them to welcome the new beliefs.
The theory is that by listening to it every day, the mind
is reprogrammed so that the new thoughts become
assimilated and replace the old, familiar but limiting
thoughts. RTT therapists believe that half the work takes
place in the session and the other half is in the repetition
of listening to the recording every day to engrain the
new thought patterns into the mind and body.
Sofia believes the power of RTT lies in its
comprehensiveness—uncovering the origin of an issue
through regression gives clients the understanding
and distance to make new choices, combined with
empowerment tools such as inner-child healing, and
then reprogramming through the recording. “What was
it exactly in RTT that healed me? I don’t think it’s one
thing only, but rather the whole package.
“I feel it is a bit like a miracle cure in many ways
and people are very suspicious of that, but there is
something miraculous in the way that it gives you back
your power to transform yourself and your life.”
1 J Nurs Educ Pract, 2015; 2: 67–77
2 J Consult Clin Psychol, 1986; 54: 489–92
3 BMC Pediatr, 2006; 6: 23
4 Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 2013; 61: 125–45
5 Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 1996; 10: 91–5
6 Mayo Clin. Proc, 2005; 105; 80(4): 511-524
7 Cereb Cortex, 2017; 27: 4083–93
The power of RTT lies in
its comprehensiveness—
uncovering the origin
of an issue through
regression gives clients
the understanding
to make new