The Teenager Today – August 2019

(Barré) #1




ne of the most exciting
and fascinating discovery
expeditions we will ever be on
is the discovery of ourselves.
Getting to know ourselves better,
realizing what we are good at, the
talents we are blessed with and
the impact we can create truly is
interesting and life-giving!

Erik Erikson was a German-
American developmental
psychologist known for his theory
on psycho-social development of
human beings. He speaks of how
at different stages of life we are on
an exploration. He says how we
engage with life experiences helps us
build trust, autonomy, initiative and
intimacy — all helping us to build a
strong sense of identity and purpose
that then allows us to live fully and
contribute to society.

Ages 12-18 are particularly
interesting as Erikson says this is the
time when we begin to ask questions
like ‘Who am I?’, ‘What do I want
to do with my life?’. This is the time
when we try on different ‘selves’ in
a way to see which one fits. It’s the
time when we are truly making our
first conscious journey to knowing
ourselves and all the treasures that
we maybe gifted with.

In the U.K. in the 1960’s, well-
known researcher and management
consultant, Dr Meredith Belbin,
sought to study group and
individual behaviours. Dr Belbin

was able to identify different clusters
of behaviours that are important for
success of teams and projects. These
clusters of behaviours came to be
called ‘team roles’ or behavioural
talents. For example, one cluster
of behaviour referred to the ability
to come up with ideas, another to
the ability to focus on details, still
another to the ability to be sensitive
to people’s needs and feelings. Dr
Belbin’s research showed that each
one of us is gifted with two to three
team roles or behavioural talents that
we are very good in. There are some
we find stressful but can do a decent
job of leveraging them, and there are
some behavioural talents that each of

us are just not great at. Knowing our
strengths truly helps us realize how
we can make a unique contribution
wherever we go.

Discovering one’s behavioural
talents is one of the most fascinating,
empowering and energizing
journeys that one can embark on.
While Dr Belbin is today known as
the ‘Father of Team Roles’ and the
Belbin philosophy is used widely in
organizations across the globe, the
team roles and behavioural talents

Leadership Treasure


the way!

begin to show during our teenage
years and this knowledge can be
very valuable.

Experiences during high school,
college and university help us on
our discovery journey of getting to
know ourselves. The Belbin team
roles therefore prove to be a deeply
researched and fascinating guide on
what Erikson possibly describes as
the ‘quest of finding one’s identity’
when one is a young adult.

But how can the two merge?
That’s where The Leadership Treasure
Discovery session comes in. PrePearl
Training, the India representatives
for Belbin UK, had been looking

(from l to r) Pearl D’Souza, Director, PrePearl Training Development Pvt Ltd, Dr Meredith Belbin
and Leslie D’Souza, Chairman & Managing Director, PrePearl Training Development Pvt Ltd.
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