Modellenland Magazine – August 2019

(ff) #1

Photographer Marcus Mantino (UK)

Can you tell us a little about you? I’m half English and half Maltese photographer living in England, 42 years of
age, an entrepreneur and photographer for the past 22 years since leaving University.

How and when did you get into photography? Starting my professional career as a Flash web designer I launched
my first company at 22 years of age, I started photography professionally 8 years on at the age of 28 and was full
time for 5 years, mainly doing simple portrait work, I ran a small modelling agency and a professional studio for
hire. At this time I also ran a digital media company working with global brands such as Ford and Micro-soft, with
the recession I started another company which grew to a size that then gave me the opportunity to take my pho-
tography in a new direction by removing the need to earn my basic living from working as a photographer.

What does photography mean to you? Photography has always been a passion since I was a small boy playing
with old film cameras, but in my late 20’s I decided to specialize in portrait photography, my love of technology
and gadgets combined with my deep appreciation for the female form and beauty has fueled this passion over
the years.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. My recent style is intentionally designed to not
follow any particular style, especially not one that fits into any commercial box, I’m not trying to shoot fashion, or
glamour, or artistic nude, etc, I just want to create art and if the end result of a particular shoot happens to fit
one of those categories then that’s fine, but not the intention. I have found that this approach has allowed my
work to elevate massively from before when I was trying to fit certain moulds.

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