
(Brent) #1

the AMP cache, so the service worker
is installed by the time users visit the
origin site. The user-experience remains
uninterrupted and the service worker
runs whenever the AMP file is served
from the origin where the AMP file
is published. Before integrating PWA
features, it’s a good idea to serve AMP in
this way as an entry point via ‘leaf pages’
to your site and warm up the PWA ‘behind
the scenes’ before switching a user to the
smooth onward journey.


After you’ve implemented AMP and
the service worker, progressively
enhance your site with the PWA features
that best meet your business goals.
PWAs have a vast array of benefits when
fully integrated, which makes it easy to
delight more users, grow engagement
and increase conversions. Here is a useful
checklist that explains what it takes
to produce a baseline PWA and then
some additional steps you can take if
you’re looking to develop an exemplary
PWA: https://developers.google.com/web/
The best teams out there are the ones
willing to adapt to the new consumer
expectations. AMP and PWAs go well
together and ensure that your website
holds a user’s attention and is more
engaging. One thing’s for sure, we like
websites to be fast and we want content
to arrive ready and easy to complete.
In our modern world where almost
everything is skippable and we can
choose to disengage, we need to focus on
retaining interest.
Remember: the smallest screen
represents the largest opportunity.

Top left If you are running
into some roadblocks with
large image files, Squoosh is
a great tool for compressing
images and converting
them into PNG/JPG or
even WebP format (https://
Top right Integrate AMP
and PWA logic to reorient
around the user and deliver
on great user expectations
Above Originally started
as a project for developers
to improve performance
for publishers, AMP has
progressed in its mission
to “make the web better
for all”
Left AMP’s framework
helps you to start fast and
stay fast over a greater
period of time
Bottom left AMP is best
when served as an entry
point to your users while
PWAs enable you to offer
more interactivity and
engagement features

Unite AMP and PWAs

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