baby & toddler
L&L | AUGUST 2019 | 55
Playing with food
You spent ages preparing a home-
cooked, nutritious meal for your
toddler only for him to rub most of it
into his hair and clothes while feeding
it to the dog and smearing on his
high-chair. Don’t lose patience with
this annoying habit too quickly.
Research published in the
journal Developmental Science found
messy eaters are better and faster
learners than their cleaner counterparts.
The study, which looked at a group of
72 toddlers, found those who played,
smooshed and even threw their food,
learned word associations quicker
than those who didn’t, and were able
to either correctly name or identify
them. The best place for this is a high-
chair, with further research finding
those who sit in high chairs learn
faster than those who sat at a table.
And, said associate professor (and
study leader) Larissa Sameulson, this
early learning is linked to improved
cognitive development later in life.
Attention of a goldfish
Toddlers have a very limited attention
span. One minute you could be walking
in the garden and the next, you almost
trip over your child, who has stopped to
investigate a blade of grass. And while
this is fine when you have time on your
hands, it can be extremely frustrating
if this is happening when you’re on
a time limit. The experts share that
some activities can take much longer
than expected due to your toddler’s
distracted nature. This is not because
he wants to drive you completely dilly,
it’s his way of taking in the world around
him, learning and storing information.
Making a mess
Children, and toddlers in particular,
generally love making a mess, be it
with building blocks, finger painting,
drawing on the walls, or making mud
pies on your nicely cleaned tiled floor.
This sensory and creative play is
good for your toddler’s development
in a number of ways. Research reveals
that embracing this play (within reason)
builds your toddler’s neural connections
that help develop thought, learning
and creativity. Plus, this benefits
language development, cognitive
growth, fine- and gross-motor skills
development, problem-solving and
social interaction. Of course, certain
behaviour is completely unacceptable
(like drawing on the walls). However,
areas of messy play in your home
will help create boundaries and safe
zones for this creativity to occur.
Click on Child, then General
Articles for eight steps to take
when your toddler says no.
blatant defiance is his way of finding
his independence. For the first year
or so of his life, your baby doesn’t see
himself as a separate entity to you
(which is why he cries when you walk
away from him − he thinks you’ve left
him forever). This changes during
his second year, as he slowly starts
to realise he is his own person. By
encouraging him to do certain things
on his own, like choosing and putting
on his own shoes, it may ease other
battles like not being allowed to wear
his swimming costume in the middle
of winter. Give him some chores that
are his alone, like holding the dustpan
or helping to feed the dog. Most of all,
try to be as patient as possible. It’s not
that easy putting both legs into pants
or navigating a fork to his mouth, but
allowing him this independence will
also help him gain confidence, learn
boundaries, and improve his motor skills.
Throwing the mother
of all tantrums
One minute he’s a smiling, happy baby
and the next, he’s writhing on the floor
screaming, howling and completely
out of control. You stand by completely
perplexed at what has just happened.
This behaviour can begin as early as
12 months and continue to the age of
four. He is learning about his world at
a rapid rate, but can’t fully verbalise
his intentions. His tantrum is his way of
trying to make sense of his world and
his surrounds. Understanding and
identifying the root of the tantrum
can help both of you deal with it. The
most common causes are: frustration,
asserting independence, feeling
overwhelmed, feeling a lack of control,
too few or too many limits, hunger,
tiredness, overstimulation or boredom. LL
ou may feel your toddler
is designed to test you.
Your loving, gentle baby
has, almost overnight,
become a whining, fractious being
whose sole vocabulary seems to
consist of the word “No”, usually
loudly and vehemently said with his
finger lodged firmly up his nose. This
is one of those good news/bad news
scenarios, as most of these annoying
toddler habits and tendencies
are his way of learning about his
world and himself – they’re actually
important milestone moments.
As quick as you set a rule, your
toddler is bound to push against it,
and you seem to spend all your time
trying to reason with him. Unfortunately,
pushing boundaries is a vital part of
his development. Boundaries are
important as they help set limits,
which in turn makes him feel
safe and secure.
No means no
You excitedly wanted him to talk,
showing him picture books and allowing
him to explore his world as you point
out names and words – and it seems
that has all gone out the window with
his favourite word of the day: “No”. This