Global Times - 30.07.2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
By Chen Qingqing in Hong
Kong and Yang Sheng in

The central government on
Monday saluted the Hong
Kong Police Force and stressed
that the priority at the moment
is to punish the violent crimi-
nals and bring peace and stabil-
ity back to Hong Kong society.
Yang Guang, a spokesper-
son of the Hong Kong and

Macao Affairs Office of the
State Council said Monday the
central government has always
paid close attention to devel-
opments of recent situation in
Hong Kong.
“Because some Hong Kong
residents have short knowl-
edge about the mainland le-
gal system and law, they have
concerns about the extradition
bill,” Yang said at a press con-
ference on Monday.

But some individuals and
media outlets with ulterior mo-
tive have spread rumors and
alarm to create fear in the soci-
ety and interrupt the Legislative
Council of Hong Kong’s work
on the amendment bill, he said.
Yang explained the cen-
tral government’s stance and
points of view on violent inci-
dents that seriously harm Hong
Kong’s rule of law, social order,
economy, people’s livelihood

and international image.
“The central government
firmly supports Chief Executive
Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor
in leading the HKSAR govern-
ment’s law-based governance,
supports the Hong Kong police
in their strict law enforcement,
supports relevant
departments of the
SAR government
and judicial organs
in punishing the

By Wang Cong

As top Chinese and US trade
negotiators prepared for their
first round of talks in over two
months on Tuesday, expecta-
tions of a breakthrough in re-
solving their bitter trade tussle
that has dragged on over a year
and weighed on economic
growth in both countries are
low as major sticking points
remain and US bullying tactics
continue unabated.
Chinese officials have agreed
to restart negotiations and have
shown their good faith for ad-
dressing the dispute through
dialogue, but they are likely to
exercise caution about making
any commitment to an unreli-
able US administration and
stick to their stated demands
at meetings, Chinese analysts
said on Monday.
Chinese and US trade of-
ficials are set to
meet in the Chi-
nese financial hub
of Shanghai from
Tuesday to Wednes-







InDepth Life

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the past


Focus VOLUME 11 • NO. 2937 • TUESDAY JULY 30, 2019 PRICE 2 YUAN

SE Asia start-ups

lure Chinese VC



Shocking violence

 2
See also
Pages 14, B

Central govt hails HK police

Restoring order, punishing violent criminals the priority

Experts advise

caution ahead

of China-US

trade talks

 2
See also
Page B

Edward Jacobucci, an evacuee, leaves the scene of the deadly Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting in Gilroy, California on Sunday. Three
people were killed and at least 15 others injured in a shooting at a major food festival in California (See story on Page 9). Photo: AFP

Top News: Developing
nations’ delegates condemn
unilateral actions 3
World: UK ‘turbo-charging’
no-deal Brexit 7
World: Trump’s spy chief
Dan Coats resigns 8
Asian Review: China-
Russia ties safeguard global
security 15
Forum: Detractors drive US
bitterness against China 16
Biz Update: Server makers
race to adapt to changing
sector B


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