Global Times - 30.07.2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

16 Tuesday July 30, 2019


The US government’s latest hegemonic
attempt to coerce the World Trade Orga-
nization (WTO) into changing its treat-
ment of developing countries is destined
to hit a wall of opposition.
In a memo purportedly promot-
ing WTO reform, the US administra-
tion threatened action by the US Trade
Representative if “substantial progress”
toward changes to the special and differ-
entiated treatment for developing mem-
bers had not been made within 90 days.
When it comes to the reform of one
of the world’s most important multi-
lateral organizations, messing with its
basic principle and trying to override its
rules with US laws will beget nothing
but failure.
The special and differentiated treat-
ment is a basic right endowed to the
WTO’s developing members and is a
pillar of the organization. It gives full
consideration to the gaps between devel-

oping and developed countries, embod-
ies the inclusiveness of the multilateral
trading system and serves the long-term
interests of all countries.
These gaps are comprehensive in na-
ture: income per capita, technological
strength, economic structure and quality
of development, to name just a few. As
there is no simple universal definitions
of the words “developed” and “develop-
ing,” any assessment of a country’s de-
velopment level must adopt an overall
However, the US is attempting to
upgrade some developing members by
overstressing selective indicators and ul-
timately deprive them of the legitimate
rights and interests to which they are
entitled to by virtue of their actual status.
It will bring controversy and chaos,
putting new obstacles in the way of
WTO reforms.
In the memo, the US targets China

and other developing countries for un-
fairly getting preferential treatment, ig-
noring the yawning gap between China
and developed countries in terms of eco-
nomic and social development.
It is true that China has become the
world’s second largest economy, but it
is also the biggest developing nation.
China’s GDP per capita was only 15 per-
cent of that of the US in 2017, and it has
a prominent imbalanced development
problem, with over 10 million people
still living under the extreme poverty
China has never used the special and
differentiated treatment as an excuse to
shun its due obligations. Since its acces-
sion to the WTO over a decade ago, it
has actively safeguarded the multilateral
trading system and made widely recog-
nized contributions to global free trade
and investment.
The US, by contrast, has trampled

WTO rules and undermined the rights
and interests of developing countries
for its own benefit, casting a shadow
over multilateralism and the open world
It obviously timed the memo to serve
as a new bargaining chip for the upcom-
ing 12th round of China-US high-level
economic and trade consultations.
But the tactic of imposing pressure
is nothing new to China and has never
worked. After all, the US needs to show
good faith in trade talks. If it plans oth-
erwise, China is ready and has nothing
to fear.

The article is a commentary from
the Xinhua News Agency. opinion@

Page Editor:
[email protected]

Detractors drive US bitterness against China

Tampering with developing-country status to surely draw backlash

By Zhao Minghao


he Trump administra-
tion’s China approach
triggered a new round
of debates within the US, with
both sides of the aisle express-
ing their views through open
letters to US President Donald
Trump. Amid growing bilateral
tensions, the US narrative
on China is being metamor-
On one side are well-known
scholars and former govern-
ment officials who have long
studied China. They suggest
that China is not an enemy
and the US approach must be
based on a realistic appraisal of
Chinese perceptions, interests,
goals and behavior. They also
believe that many US moves
are contributing directly to
relations entering a tailspin.
The open letter they signed is
intended to show “there is no
single Washington consensus
endorsing an overall
adversarial stance toward
On the other side are
former US military and
intelligence officials as
well as hawkish China
watchers. They have
urged the Trump admin-
istration to stay the course
on its path of countering
China, emphasizing that
the strategic interests of
China and the US are
“antithetical.” That open
letter was written by
James E. Fanell, former
director of intelligence
and information opera-
tions for the US Pacific
Fleet, who has long ac-
cused China of preparing
for war. The signatories
include China detractors

such as Gordon Chang, who
have been predicting the com-
ing collapse of China.
The debate indicates that
there are varying perceptions
on China within the US. Mili-
tary and intelligence officials
are used to thinking about the
worst-case scenario. Lacking
adequate knowledge, they tend
to compare China to historical
adversaries of the US: Nazi
Germany and the former So-
viet Union. This undoubtedly
will lead to strategic blindness.
Fanell wrote in the open let-
ter: “In our political system,
politics is the norm, and war is
the exception. It is explicitly the
opposite in the PRC’s world-
view.” Anyone who has some
knowledge about the history of
American wars will find such a
view ridiculous.
What riles Chinese analysts
is Washington’s new ideologi-
cal fusillade against China with
the Communist Party of China

in the cross hairs. This will un-
dermine the foundation of bi-
lateral relations. Although the
Trump administration defined
China as a strategic competi-
tor, it has in fact treated China
like an enemy. But according to
late Harvard political scientist
Samuel P. Huntington, “The
ideal enemy for America would
be ideologically hostile, racially
and culturally different and
militarily strong enough to
pose a credible threat to Ameri-
can security.”
From 2008 when the US
began to hype up “state capital-
ism” to a debate about China’s
so-called sharp power in 2017
and warnings against a “clash
of civilizations” with China
in 2019, the US perception of
the “China threat,” especially
in ideology, has reached new
heights. Various factions which
support a tough approach for
China have closed ranks to up
the pressure on Beijing. For

instance, they recently accused
China of techno-authoritari-
The Trump administration
is seeking to rationalize its con-
frontational approach by pur-
posely reshaping US society’s
perception of China. Unlike
its predecessors, the Trump
administration pays little atten-
tion to opinions of think tank
experts in its policymaking for
China. White House insiders
Peter Navarro and other anti-
China hawks are only willing
to engage with scholars such
as Michael Pillsbury, writer
of The Hundred-Year Mara-
thon: China’s Secret Strategy to
Replace America as the Global
US Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo once served as the
director of the Central Intelli-
gence Agency, which is largely
behind his deep-rooted hostili-
ty against China. Worries about
a clash of civilizations with

China are dominating discus-
sion on China within the US
State Department. US national
security adviser John Bolton
has not yet visited China since
he assumed the position.
Officials in charge of China
affairs in the National Security
Council, the State Department
and the Pentagon are almost
all anti-China hawks.
There is no doubt that for
quite a few US policy elite
members, China has sur-
passed Russia to become a
thorny diplomatic topic in the
medium to long term. As US
scholars Jonathan D. Pollack
and Jeffrey A. Bader wrote in
their article “Looking before
we leap: Weighing the risks of
US-China disengagement,” to
many Americans, “the defining
question is no longer how to
manage relations with China,
but how to counteract and (if
possible) impede China’s ad-
vance to major-power status.”
Beijing has clearly
recognized this change.
But confrontation is never
a sensible solution. To
avoid the two big powers
eventually falling out,
more talks are needed
now. Keeping debates
open can inject more
resilience into policymak-
ing. However, it’s worry-
ing that Washington now
has been shrouded in a
new red scare.

The author is a senior
research fellow at the
Charhar Institute and
an adjunct fellow at the
Chongyang Institute
for Financial Studies at
Renmin University of China.
[email protected].

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT
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