Global Times - 30.07.2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

Tuesday July 30, 2019 LIFE


The EU-China Youth Music &
Art Festival 2019 opened on
Saturday night in Zandhoven,
a small town in north Belgium.
Nearly 100 young people and
folk artists from Belgium and
China gathered for musical
Artists playing musical
instruments such as piano,
saxophone, flute and guzheng
shared a stage to hold the
New Silk Road concert, which

attracted people from Europe
and China.
Belgian composer Han
Flintrop wrote the music piece
The New Silk Road especially
for the concert.
The performance by 25
teenagers from the Art Star
artistic troupe in Nanning,
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous
Region in South China, togeth-
er with teachers and students
of the Municipal Academy of

Music, Word and Dance of Lier
(SAMWD Lier), brought the
concert to a climax.
New Silk Road is divided
into eight chapters. Each one
uses different music elements
along the Silk Road to tell sto-
ries of Chinese and European
civilizations learning from
each other.
Chinese Ambassador to
Belgium Cao Zhongming said
in his opening address that the

Belt and Road Initiative has
closely connected China with
The art festival provided
an opportunity for European
audiences to learn more about
traditional Chinese culture,
such as overseas Chinese
living in Belgium presenting
calligraphy works and Chinese
tea ceremonies.
Ying Hong, one of the
Chinese organizers living in

Belgium, said: “Music has
crossed the mountains and
waters, and language barriers.
I believe that the EU-China
Youth Music & Art Festival
will further promote relations
between China and Europe.”


EU-China Youth Music & Art Festival 2019 held in Belgium

Page Editor:


oaring to new musical heights,
a German-born innovator has
crafted what is believed to be
the world’s largest grand piano.
It is without question one of a
kind: Attached high on the wall of
a concert hall in Latvia, the steel-
framed vertical grand piano hangs as
if in mid-air some three stories above
the audience.
To play it, pianists must climb a
steep flight of steel stairs to a balcony.
Although the Guinness Book of
World Records has not yet measured
the new instrument, it was made
by David Klavins whose Model 370
piano unveiled in 1987 is currently
regarded as being among the world’s
Klavins’ standard new model, the
470i Vertical Concert Grand piano,
has strings that are 4.7 meters long.
The custom-built 470i piano
installed at a new concert hall in the
Baltic seaside port and resort town of
Ventspils is even larger; its imposing

navy blue-painted steel frame is six
meters high.
With some strings measuring
almost five meters, the instrument
emits bold, sonorous music.
“The most suitable music for
this instrument would be all the
very expressive works, for example
Rachmaninoff, Scriabin but also
Beethoven’s sonatas would sound
totally different on this instrument,”
Klavins told AFP.
The innovator, who has Latvian
roots, has worked on pianos nearly
all his life, driven by a desire to push
the boundaries of the instrument first
created by Italian Bartolomeo Cristo-
fori around the year 1700.
“Since I was 16 years old and
dropped out of school to become a
piano restoration apprentice, I have
been trying to explore new designs
and principles, which deviate from
the 140-year-old construction of the
traditional grand piano,” Klavins, now
65, told AFP while sitting at the 450i.
He crafted his first vertical piano
in 1985. Now at his workshop, the

Klavins Piano Manufaktura based
in the town of Vac just north of the
Hungarian capital Budapest, he
dreams up his signature vertical
It is not just his new instrument’s
mammoth size that makes it stand
out; having no wooden casing means
that audiences seated in the concert
hall can see its long, steely strings.
Laying them bare in this way lets
music lovers “hear every sound nu-
ance unmuted,” Klavins said.
Opening this Friday in Ventspils,
the Latvija venue where the piano
is installed, boasts two concert halls
with a combined seating capacity
of 1,000. It is also home to a music
academy for emerging young talent.
“Traditional pianos are meant to
be transported in and out of the con-
cert venues, but my vertical design
has to be mounted on the building’s
structure,” Klavins said.
“The size of the piano and length
of strings do not set records for a
record’s sake: The idea is to create
the best imaginable sound for all the
performers and listeners who come

to this particular
hall,” he added.
On display to the pub-
lic for the first time on Friday,
the instrument has already cre-
ated a buzz among piano enthusiasts.
“Composers and performers from
all around are interested in playing
the new Klavins piano, which will
open new avenues of artistic expres-
sion for them,” said Miks Magone,
the creative head of the new concert
Pianist Lubomyr Melnyk from
Canada, known for a technique using
an extremely rapid succession of
notes, will be among the first to play
the 450i next week, Magone said.
One of six German pianists will
also use it in a performance of Six
Pianos by Steve Reich, he added.
Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs
has his fingers crossed that the
record-breaking piano will help the
industrial port city of 40,000 rebrand
itself into a family-friendly tourist
“We’re hoping to attract foreign
music lovers as well,” he said.


Klavins Piano Manufaktura based

to this particula
hall,” he added.
On display to


^ World’s largest concert piano strikes chord in Latvia

David Klavins Photo: AFP
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