Visual Merchandising and Retail Design – July 2019

(John Hannent) #1

consumers specifically requesting for the
product. It also serves as a brand building
tool showcasing the variety and depth of
our range. The freshness and relevance
of content to the consumer determine
how effective it is in influencing purchase
decisions and in ultimately driving ROI for
the solution.

Going further are you planning to scale
up with more investments in digital

The key to great video technology, after
getting all the basics right, is to consistently
invest in good quality content. Given the
scale and pace of technology change,
our digital communication strategy is
something we are always reviewing to see
if it matches our needs, and yes, invest more
if need be. We have already introduced the
concept of “endless aisle” and are in the
process of digitalizing our catalogs.

Any specific challenge you face in
executing the whole digital signage
plan? Whether in terms of finding the
solution provider or hardware or in the
content management or any other?

We did have a period of trial and error on
the digital signage execution. We had a
clear idea of the end result we wanted to
achieve, however, it was about finding the
right partners that would help us get there.

Today internationally digital signage
is being used for a lot of customer
engagement and interactivity with data
analytics embedded in it for shopper
insights. Are you looking at these going
ahead in future? What are the possible
new ways in which you are planning to
explore digital signage?

Soch is one of the pioneers in implementing
video displays at scale in apparel retail.

We are looking at further leveraging the
potential of this technology - after all,
fashion is all about selling of an imagery
and what better way to do it than with
great video content at scale. We also feel
that the technology will evolve to get more
personalized, linking browsing to sale.
There are technologies at different stages
of commercialization, where consumers
can pick a product in store and see the
content linked to it. A transaction can be
closed directly from a content piece and
content displayed is linked to the choices/
preferences of the consumer. We see retail
getting a lot more experience driven and
interactive, aided by technology. l

Payal Gulati

July 2019
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