Visual Merchandising and Retail Design – July 2019

(John Hannent) #1

up with a breakthrough technology and
has created a tool called the “Fit Test” to
solve this fundamental problem. We did
extensive research and developed this
test that asks a woman 5 questions about
her body type and then recommends the
right bra. We have a very high customer
satisfaction score here. The tool has been
used/attempted over 150K times.

In an omni–channel environment the
design of the brick and mortar space
holds particular significance. How do
you approach it?

Retail design and VM are of utmost
significance to every brand in offline retail
as they attract the customer to the store.
All of Clovia’s retail stores are in high street
markets. It’s even more important for us
to attract customers who are already in
the market, to visit our store. Hence an
attractive VM and show window play a huge
role. Our stores are pretty with ininviting
colors and manned by only female staff. We

take these efforts to ensure our customers
feel welcome and comfortable at the store.

What innovations have you introduced
in terms of the window display, in-store
merchandise, etc.?

Our window display changes every two
months. We have a very quirky store design
with bright, inviting colors and colorful
merchandise. We also have an open display
of merchandise instead of packed boxes,
where women can choose from a variety of

Going head what are your plans?

In the next 5 years, Clovia intends to be
the largest lingerie brand in India. While
we are steadily on that path, we are also
encountering a host of organic/inorganic
opportunities to grow internationally,
which we are exploring and the next 4-5
years will also see Clovia’s presence in at
least 4 more geographies including North

Payal Gulati

July 2019

India - NCR, Punjab, Haryana, Jammu, Uttar
Pradesh - and West India - Gujarat and
Maharashra. The company is planning to
open 75 offline stores by 2021. l
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