Mississippi – June 28, 2019

(John Hannent) #1


Couples purchasing a Wedding Register announcement may also choose to submit up to 10 images (compressed into a
.zip file) to be considered for the front cover, and/or 50 images (compressed into a separate .zip file) to be considered for a
larger, feature article. Make sure the .zip file(s) are on your computer in a place where you can easily browse for them.

Images should be vertical; horizontal photos cannot be considered. Avoid images with fish-eye, lens-flare, or faded edge
effects. All images should be high-resolution and not proof quality. Imagine the logo at the top and visualize whether or
not it will show well and if there is enough room for the logo without it covering important parts of the image. Compress
up to 10 images into a .zip file. This will be the file that you upload with your electronic submission.

Submit up to 50 images that showcase the unique beauty and details of your celebration—ones that readers would find
especially interesting or inspiring. Include only a few photos of the couple or of people in general. Refer to the photos in
the feature section of a previous wedding issue to get an idea of the types of images you should send. Compress these
images into a .zip file. This will be the file you will upload with your electronic submission. There will also be a field on the
form to describe what readers would find interesting about your wedding celebration.


See the list to the right of your template choice, and gather the required materials. Make sure these files are on your
computer in a place or folder where you can easily browse for them.

PHOTOS: These should be high-resolution .jpg files. These files will need to be provided to you by your photographer.
These files cannot be saved from website screen images or proofs. Photos saved using methods that bypass the
photographer will not be high resolution. Your photographer should be able to assist you in gathering the files if you do
not already own them.

WRITE-UP: If you are purchasing a formal template option, you will need to provide a write-up in the form of a .doc or
.docx file, usually a Microsoft Word document. One-page write-ups should be 400-450 words; two-page write-ups should
be 900-950 words. Examples of write-ups along with a guide to grammar, spelling, and punctuation can be found on our
website at mississippimagazine.com/weddings.


Once you have gathered all the necessary materials and have them organized on your computer, visit our website at
mississippimagazine.com and click on the WEDDINGS tab. There you will find thumbnails of all the template options.
Click on the form link that corresponds with your template choice, and you will enter an electronic form with step-by-step
instructions to submit your announcement, and payment by credit or debit card is accepted right there within the form.

If you have questions or need any assistance, please call 601.982.8418, ext. 77,
or email [email protected], and we will be happy to help.


Wedding Register

Submission Planner
Free download pdf