Mother Jones – July-August 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

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Standing?” Stone, a University of Southern
California law professor, was one of the first
Western legal scholars to contemplate na-
ture’s ability to take part in lawsuits.
But just look at the American legal
system: Corporations and even ships
have rights. “We’re human beings. We
make laws,” says David Boyd, an associate
law professor at the University of British
Columbia and author of the 2017 book
The Rights of Nature. “We have the capac-
ity to recognize the rights of whomever and
whatever we want. It’s just a matter of de-
termining what’s important to us.”
At the very least, says Andrew Wetzler,
deputy chief program officer of the Natural
Resources Defense Council’s Nature Pro-
gram, the rights-of-nature movement could
inspire people to consider their surround-
ings in a new light. “Once you start seeing
something as being deserving of moral con-
sideration, you start to view the whole nat-
ural world differently, and you start to see
that nature isn’t simply created for people
to use,” he says, “and that’s a fundamental
shift in perspective.”
But is the United States ready for such an
overhaul of environmental laws? A day after
the Toledo amendment passed, a farmer sued
the city, alleging the lake’s bill of rights is un-
constitutional and exposes his farm to “mas-
sive liability.” In May, the judge overseeing
the case rejected Toledoans for Safe Water’s
motion to intervene in the suit on behalf of
the lake: “Some may believe the law should
confer legal standing upon natural objects
and features,” he wrote, “but a district court—
bound by Congress and higher courts—is not
the appropriate body to take that leap.”
A spokesperson for Toledoans for Safe
Water says the group plans to appeal the
decision. As many residents remember, the
fight for a clean Lake Erie was decades in the
making. In the late ’60s, the water became
so polluted by chemical waste and dead
fish, the media declared the lake had been
“killed.” The crisis helped spark passage of
the Clean Water Act. Toledo’s Markie Miller
thinks the battle over its bill of rights will
serve as a starting point for a new kind of
movement: “The people of Toledo won’t be
going away anytime soon,” she says. “Lake
Erie needs our protection.” n

ing waste sludge into nearby open-pit mines
by mandating that any resident could sue to
vindicate the “rights of natural communi-
ties and ecosystems.” Since then, more than
three dozen communities across the United
States have adopted similar measures. In
2018, the White Earth Band of Ojibwe,
a Native American nation in Minnesota,
codified the rights of manoomin, or wild
rice, to “flourish, regenerate, and evolve.”
As Casey Camp-Horinek, an environmen-
talist and matriarch of the Ponca Nation in
Oklahoma, points out, the rights-of-nature
movement “simply recognizes what the in-
digenous people have always been a part
of: the natural cycle of life belonging to all
living things, not just humans.”
Outside the United States, Ecuador wrote
the rights of nature into its constitution in

  1. In 2017, a court in India ruled that the
    Ganges and Yamuna rivers have the same
    legal standing as people (the ruling was
    later overturned). The Whanganui, New
    Zealand’s longest navigable river, has legal
    standing under a law passed that same year.
    Rights-of-nature laws often work by ap-
    pointing a guardian to advocate for a par-
    ticular ecosystem or natural feature, much
    like a parent represents a child’s interests
    in court. The guardian can sue on the eco-
    system’s behalf. If the ecosystem is awarded
    damages, the money might go into a trust
    dedicated to funding its restoration.
    Predictably, conservatives have ridi-
    culed the idea of entitling lakes and forests.
    In 2011, Fox News editor George Russell
    wrote that the movement aims to create
    a “radical regime of global environmental
    law.” Wesley Smith, a senior fellow at the
    right-wing Discovery Institute, warned in a
    2011 editorial that granting rights to nature
    would “open the courtroom doors to rad-
    ical environmentalist lawyers” who’d “fire
    a continual barrage of lawsuits seeking to
    uphold the rights of their animal and vege-
    table clients.” (In practice, rights-of-nature
    laws apply to entire ecosystems rather than
    a single mushroom or tree.)
    “Each time there is a movement to confer
    rights onto some new ‘entity,’ the proposal
    is bound to sound odd or frightening or
    laughable,” noted Christopher Stone in
    his seminal 1972 essay, “Should Trees Have

VOLUME 44, NUMBER 4. MOTHER JONES (issn 0362-884) is published bimonthly by the Foundation for
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