Muscular Development – July 2019

(sharon) #1

Routine 2

Incline Dumbbell Curls4 x 10-12
Superset with

Standing Dumbbell Curls 4 x 10-12
For these, simply rep to failure on the
seated curls, being sure to lower under
control to a full stretch of the biceps on
each rep, then stand up and continue with
the set. Curl with both arms at the same
time for both halves of the superset. We
are looking for good form and a full range
of motion here, so forget about swinging
up 50s or 60s. Even those of you with
decent biceps strength probably wouldn’t
need more than a pair of 30s or 35s for
these on your fi nal set.

V-bar Pushdowns
Sets:3 x 15, 12, 10 (increasing weight)
2 x 10, 10, 10 (double drop sets)

Bench Dips Bodyweight, 4 sets to failure
(Note: if you can get more than 20 reps,
put a plate or a dumbbell on your lap)

Standing EZ-bar Curls4 x 10-12
Superset with

Seated EZ-bar Curls 4 x 12
Do these standing in front of a seated
bench. Do as many full-range-of-motion
reps standing as you can, then sit down
and continue, lowering until the bar
touches your thighs. These will be partial
reps in the top half of the ROM, yet you
will fi nd you can grind out more of these
than you expected.

Seated Overhead EZ-bar Extensions
4 x 10-12
Superset with

EZ-bar Skull-crushers on Flat Bench
4 x 10-12
The overhead extensions can be done
either on a straight-back seated bench,
or an adjustable incline bench. Ideally
you want to have this next to a fl at bench,
so you can go directly from the overhead
extension to the skull-crushers, using the
same bar.
Alternate fl exing and stretching the
biceps and triceps for two minutes.


Be prepared for

some serious lactic

acid burn and some

insane pumps.

98 MD July 2019

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