Publishers Weekly – July 29, 2019

(lily) #1




ndie authors were early pioneers in building
marketing platforms at Facebook to reach read-
ers. But after authors collectively invested
millions of dollars and years of effort to build
their followings on Facebook, Facebook pulled a
bait and switch. It took the authors’ followers
hostage, locked them behind a paywall, and held
them for ransom. Now, authors must pay Facebook
to ensure that fans who already requested the
authors’ messages in their newsfeeds can, in fact,
see those messages.
The hostage taking didn’t stop with Facebook.
Amazon has adopted a pay-to-play approach with
Amazon Advertising’s sponsored ads.
At Amazon, authors bid by the click to have their
ads inserted into the search results of customers
who are generally searching for different authors.
The company is diluting and polluting customer
search results, selling an author’s fan base to the
highest bidder.

Reclaiming Marketing Independence
It’s not too late for indie authors to take back their
marketing independence. One of the most impor-
tant elements of an author’s marketing platform
is the private mailing list. Here are seven list-
building tips for authors seeking to attract and
retain subscribers:

  1. Practice ethical email marketing. A mailing list
    should be 100% opt-in, meaning that readers are
    only added to the list if they explicitly request to
    be added. You should never sell, rent, share, or
    trade readers’ email addresses.

  2. Give readers a reason to sign up. Readers appre-
    ciate incentives in exchange for sharing their
    contact information. Make a promise, then deliver.
    You can market your newsletters with an elevator

pitch such as, “Subscribers gain exclusive access
to discount codes, sneak peeks of upcoming releases,
and the latest updates on my works in progress.”

  1. Be strategic with giveaways. A common list-
    building tactic is to offer readers free e-books in
    exchange for signing up. Series starters are good
    giveaways because once readers are invested in
    the continuing story, they’re more inclined to
    purchase the follow-on titles.

  2. Delight the reader. When you send emails to
    your lists, do so with the understanding that you’re
    imposing upon readers’ precious time and atten-
    tion. Every email should offer something to enhance
    fans’ appreciation of your writing.

  3. Use a mail list management tool. A good mail
    list management tool helps you manage your
    subscriber database, design and send personalized
    and professional-looking bulk emails, and track
    email open rates and clicks, and it allows readers
    to perform one-click unsubscribes.

  4. Personalize in bulk. It’s easy for bulk emails to
    come across as cold and impersonal. To avoid this,
    the emails should be written in your voice, by you,
    and the tone should aim for a blend of friendly,
    business casual, and upbeat. Address readers by
    their first names.

  5. Drive subscriptions in back matter. The best
    time to motivate readers to sign up for a mailing
    list is when they’re feeling peak love for you, and
    that’s usually the moment they read the last word
    of one of your books.

Special thanks to authors Donna Wilson and Eva
Pohler for sharing list-building tips that contributed
to the development of this column. ■

Taking Control

Social media platforms such as Facebook

are compromising authors’ marketing efforts;

mailing lists provide a solution

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