Publishers Weekly – July 29, 2019

(lily) #1


54cBOOKLIFE, JULY 29, 2019

I, Claudia
Lin Wilder. Wyatt Mackenzie Imprint, $15.75
(272p) ISBN 978-1-948018-43-2
Wilder (The Fragrance Shed by a Violet)
provides a fresh, entertaining take on one of
the lesser-known women of the Bible:
Claudia Procula, daughter of the last Oracle
of Pythia in Delphi and wife of Lucius
Pontius Pilate. Told from their alternating
perspectives, the story begins with Claudia
recognizing in adolescence that she is gifted
with premonitions and a knack for aca-
demics. Meanwhile, Lucius distinguishes
himself in battle as a standout soldier and
is named Roman tribune by the end of his
first campaign. Lucius moves quickly up
the ranks, but when he is promoted to
Prelate of Judea he realizes he is unable to
control the unrest of the land he now must
govern. After Claudia’s aunt arranges for her
to marry Lucius, she departs for Delphi,
which is also the burial site of her parents.
On her way, she has premonitions of the
tumultuous land where she will live, and
finally meets Lucius as the strife around
Jesus begins. Christian readers will recog-
nize the familiar story that unfolds from
there, as Claudia (a nameless woman in the
Bible) experiences a tormenting dream and
unsuccessfully warns her husband not to
execute Jesus. Wilder paints a vibrant por-
trait of biblical times in this enjoyable story.

Infiltration (Mindspace #1)
A.K. DuBoff. BDL Press, $0.99 e-book (257p)
DuBoff (Scions of Change) begins the
Mindspace saga, set after her Cadicle series
in the galaxy-spanning Taran Empire,
with spunky characters, a conventional
plot, and planetary politics. Tararian
Guard Captain Kira Elsar and her specially
trained team are sent to her home planet,
Valta, to infiltrate the MTech laboratory,
which is suspected of using alien nanotech
to conduct experiments on unwilling sub-
jects with telekinetic abilities. Valta’s
unique properties have allowed natural
telepaths to evolve. Kira, who’s able to read
minds and compel people to do her bid-
ding, tussles with Dr. Monica Waylon, the
cartoonishly devilish director of MTech,
who has powers of her own. Meanwhile,
tension is building among neutral Valta,
Empire-loving Elusia, and warlike and

independent Mysar. Adding urgency to
Kira’s mission is her knowledge that
someone is planning to assassinate the
Elusian president. Numerous overlapping
plot threads clutter the story and make it
hard for readers to immerse in the setting,
but the battle mechs and political machi-
nations will appeal to fans of epic space
opera. This breezy but passable series
launch holds some promise for future

Murder at Blackburn Hall
Sara Rosett. McGuffin Ink, $15.99 trade
paper (280p) ISBN 978-0-9988-4317-9
Rosett’s lively sequel to Murder at Archly
Manor continues the adventures of plucky
Olive Belgrave, a young gentlewoman who
has fallen on hard times in post-WWI
England, but who has a talent for solving
mysteries. Olive’s new client, London pub-
lisher Vernon Hightower, asks her to find
missing author R.W. May, whose mystery
novels are the financial mainstay of
Hightower Books. Olive sets off for the vil-
lage of Hadsworth in Kent, where the
writer is believed to reside. To keep her
inquiries discreet, Olive poses as the pub-
lisher’s assistant and stays with Lady Holt
of Blackburn Hall, who believes that Olive
is there to assess her book on etiquette.
When a rainstorm unearths a body, the
police consider the death to be an accident;
Olive disagrees. A second death quickly
follows. Olive’s dashing friend Jasper
Rimington arrives and offers to be her
Watson, saying, “I’d prefer Sherlock, of
course, but that role seems to be taken.”
Olive’s charming narrative voice effortlessly
pulls the reader into a world full of sur-
prising and fascinating period details. Fans
of light historicals will be satisfied.

The Narrows
Travis M. Riddle. Travis M. Riddle, $2.99
e-book (256p) ISBN 978-1-72676-874-0
Fans of Twin Peaks and Stranger Things
will recognize many elements of Riddle’s
story, but he puts his own spin on classic
tropes in this chilling mix of horror and
fantasy. In a quiet suburb in present-day
Shumard, Tex., Oliver and his friends
lament the suicide of their friend Noah.
Desperate to understand why Noah killed
himself, Oliver secretly visits the crime

scene each night. When he sees a man dis-
solve into a puddle of orange goo and begins
to get flashes of an alternate Shumard, he
wonders whether there’s more to the story
of Noah’s death. Soon he ventures into a
preternatural world called the Narrows
where horrors and answers—as well as
further mysteries—await him. Riddle’s
intricate worldbuilding and familiar but
strong narrative arc sustain fear throughout.
However, the author is too eager to answer
readers’ questions, stifling the suspense,
and backstory slows the momentum. The
well-written and highly individualized
characters carry the story through its lapses.
Fans of eerie tales will easily fall into this

★ The Nothing Within
Andy Giesler. Humble Quill, $13.99 trade
paper (552p) ISBN 978-1-73356-764-0
This magical, terrifying, and whimsical
debut is a genuinely original and immersive
take on post-apocalyptic SF. Several genera-
tions after an illness called the Nothing
turned people into chimeras and destroyed
civilization, only Amish culture has sur-
vived. Root, the blind daughter of the vil-
lage weaver, asks too many questions and is
often suspected of being infected with the
Nothing. She grudgingly accepts her other-
ness within her regimented life until a
tragedy in the community causes her to hear
a voice that no one else can. Pushed to her
limits and forced to question everything she
has been taught, Root finds herself solely
responsible for the fate of the world. In a
departure from tales of grim technological
nightmares, this not-quite-dystopian novel
focuses on folk storytelling—with Root at
its center, now old and recounting her life
story to future generations—and the per-
sonal nature of questioning what is normal.
Every word is placed as carefully as a quilt
square. This is a welcome breath of fresh air
and calm after the apocalyptic storm.

Skye Warren. Book Beautiful, $3.99 e-book
(312p) ISBN 978-1-940518-90-9
Warren (Falling for the Beast) combines
hot love scenes and suspense of questionable
plausibility in this erotic romantic thriller,
the first of a planned trilogy. Violin prodigy
Samantha Brooks was placed into the cus-
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