Art Almanac – August 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

of gallery three, as a glitchy sort of mise-en-scène each presenting a video that captures ten

minutes of a day-long improvisation session featuring Fuata, Gothe-Snape, and one of their

five collaborators (or columns) as they play out a range of performative exercises together. The

exhibition is grounded in theory such as Kathy Acker’s text ‘Against Ordinary Language, the

Language of the Body’, which is exhibited alongside notes and residue from the work in a glass

vitrine in gallery three. In the last room viewers are given a space to rest, beanbags surface the

floor of a final Powerpoint-based text work called Listening Exercise (2019), a fitting counterpoint

to ‘Certain Situations’.

‘Certain Situations’ is curated by the Institute of Modern Art’s Madeleine King, beyond her

extensive experience as Program Manager, then Assistant Director of the Institute – a background

in fashion theory here further grounds King’s curatorial approach in relationship to broader

interdisciplinary trajectories present in major themes in this exhibition.

Tess Maunder is a writer and curator, currently working between Australia, Asia and the United


Institute of Modern Art

Until 31 August, 2019


Agatha Gothe-Snape, Listening_Exercise.ppsx, 2019, installation view, ‘Certain Situations’, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Microsoft
Powerpoint, looped
Photograph: Louis Lim
Courtesy the artist and Institute of Modern Art, Queensland

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