Rugby World UK – July 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

S THEY emerge from the changing
block, laughter erupts from the mouths
of all observers. The trio of Frampton
Cotterell players were clearly aiming for
this reaction when they opted to pull
shirts numbered 15, 13 and 11 over their
middle-aged frames. These days none
of them would wear a shirt number
higher than eight in a match, but for this

Rugby World photo shoot they wanted
to raise a few smiles, with the skintight
material – a sharp contrast to the heavy
cotton jerseys they wore when starting
out – riding up over a couple of bellies.
“I can’t breath,” says one.
“It’s like a corset,” says another.
Once they have changed into
better-fitting shirts, our photographer

Grass Roots

Words Sarah Mockford// Pictures Andrew Sydenham

Longevity is the name of the game at Frampton Cotterell RFC.

Rugby World meets three players who have reached a significant

milestone in the community game – 800 matches of senior rugby




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