22 SPRING 2019
Things We Are After
Functional Art
BFGF Housewares Collection
by Lilian Martinez
Lilian Martinez has been making waves as a fi ne
artist, with gallery shows from her home base
in Los Angeles, all the way to Tokyo. And those
paintings have found a home in Martinez’s own
art brand/housewares company, BFGF. With a flat
aesthetic and cheeky nod to 1990’s pop culture,
her pillow covers, throws and mini-throw blankets
each have a little edge and a lot of fun, detailed
whimsy. From cartoon characters, sports and art
history, Martinez’s BFGF throw blanket is unique.
Have a friend over, throw a throw over them,
start the conversation.
Vault by Vans x Modernica
The Fiberglass Shell Chair and Vans Classic
Slip-On are standards of American design,
timeless and egalitarian. That Modernica has
been making the fi berglass shell by hand
in Los Angeles for 25 years, and Vans is
the staple of all Southern California
fashion, it’s downright sunny that the
two companies are collaborating
on a Vault by Vans collection.
Both brands sport icons with
absolutely zero fuss and have
transformed the Style 36 LX and OG
Slip-On LX into 6 classic looks, with
Hawaiian, palm leaf, checkerboard
designs. Take the aesthetic of
California with you. The Vault by
Vans x Modernica Collection
will also feature the iconic
Fiberglass Shell Chair, also
created in the Hawaiian, palm
leaf, checkerboard patterns.
modernica.net, vans.com/vault
Pabst Blue Ribbon Art Cans
Seeing as Pabst Blue Ribbon has been making beer since 1844,
they have had plenty of time to establish an emblematic look to
their can design and logo. Now in its 6th year, PBR has established
an annual National Art Contest, summoning artists to submit
designs around their classic logo. With a deluge of submissions in
2018, PBR had three winners announced in late February, 2019:
Charlie Kendall, Kelly Ward and Tenbeete Solomon (from left to
right). Touching on a range of graphic design and comic-influence
art, these cans are collectibles that you probably want to drink, too.
With a cash prize and chance to be part of a legendary beer brand,
head to PabstBlueRibbon.com to get ready for next year’s contest!