34 WINTER 2019
the other way around, like a rock in the river that
comes to life and looks up at you. My products are
closer to design than to children’s toys, which maybe
explains why I personally like character design that
is either hysterically sweet, border-lining insane, or
very dark and cruel. I have no interest in middle-of-
the-road cartoons featuring normal children or a
nice dog. Perhaps because I’m Danish I’m attracted to
simplicity; underplaying instead of overplaying, and
without lots of ornate decor. If the representation of a
face is very subtle, you can also add your own ideas
about who and what this character is.
Why do you think ceramics are so successful for
you? You work in many creative areas.
Because screens are boring and everything you
make on them is quickly forgotten, deleted and
defunct in a few years. I’ve been there—I spent 10
hours a day designing websites, banner ads, online
brandings and Flash animations for many years,
and it’s all gone here in 2019; all vanished into a
digital river and it will, for sure, never come back.
All those fun ideas, all that hard work—it’s like it
never happened. A ceramic bowl will exist forever—
at least longer than me or you. If you do good work,
it’s a physical item that can be used for many years
and give pleasure and function to people’s lives. Clay
can do anything. There are no limits. And if there
are, it’s a both creative and technical challenge to
break those limits and show what can be done.
I also really love the juxtaposition of character
design in clay, not plastic or metal. Clay can be super
smooth, pink porcelain or rustic, dark and evil black
stoneware with bubbling glazes and tactile surfaces.
The material takes the design to new levels and also
provides new problems, of course. You have to know
what you’re doing in order not to destroy what you
just made. But I always feel I know nothing. That
I haven’t even started to grasp the possibilities of
working in ceramics, and I’ve heard that’s basically
what all ceramicists believe.
Besides the local Danish influence, you also take
inspiration from Japan, where you studied, as
seen in your substantial Tokyo series. Which
parts of Japanese creative culture do you find
most influential?
I moved to Tokyo in 2005 to study the Japanese
language, and fell in love with the culture
immediately. To me, what’s interesting about
Japan is the intense meeting of old and new. Many
traditions are still alive and well, and respected
by the young generations—ancient arts and crafts,
cultural education and awareness of their own
Japanese history and heritage. But, at the same
time, you see incredibly new and creative ideas
borderlining the surreal and totally wacky. TV
commercials with pink rabbits eating a new snack
bar with squid, one hundred dancing bananas
on a train—so much fun and weirdness that
would never be produced in the West. I love that
wackiness and I find a lot of inspiration in it, that
it’s OK to remain fun and silly in our increasingly
serious and politically correct society.
Are there any common obsessions or interests
among your studio family recently?
Yes, we have been obsessing madly over our new
studio dog, a Frenchie puppy called Hanx (named
after the way Tom Hanks signs his tweets). She’s
making our daily life much more fun and full of
cuddly love.
We’re also excited that a new bike bridge opening
up across the harbor in Copenhagen. The entire
studio team bikes to work every day and it’s nice
that our city keeps being a great place to ride a bike.
In the studio, we’re very focused on finishing
up our upcoming Edo Series—the old name for
Tokyo before 1868. As opposed to our white
porcelain-based modern Tokyo Series, the Edo
will be an interpretation of old Japan, featuring
rough, course, pattern-carved stoneware and
expressive, rustic glazes. Our new cups are based
on the classic Yunomi shape but interpreted in our
design language with decorate elements—each
thrown piece is completely unique and quite
intense. We are excited to hear what people think!
How do you hope people feel when they
experience your work? They definitely increase
my enjoyment of domestic activity.
That’s definitely one of the goals! To smile when
your gaze lands on an item from our studio—that
you enjoy your morning coffee just a little bit
more when it’s in a bright yellow mug.
I also hope that people appreciate that the item was
made with two hands by a real human and not in a
machine, and that they want to invest in someone
working hard to throw, sculpt, bisque fire, glaze
and fire an item. It’s a long way from a lump of fresh
clay to an actual breakfast bowl.
Find Anders’ ceramics at studioarhoj.com and
at specialty stockists worldwide. San Francisco’s
Chronicle Books will release his latest children’s book
title, CATCH ME, on March 1, 2019.