“Painted Lilies” • 8" x 10"
- Silk organza or sheer fabric
- Heavyweight water-soluble stabilizer (I use Sulky® Ultra Solvy™.)
- Paintbrushes: 2"–3" fl at brush plus a selection of round brushes (#3 and #4 for
detail areas; #5 and #6 for remaining design) - Freezer paper
- Painter’s tape
- White foamcore or heavy white paper as a work surface
- Acrylic primer and extender (I use Golden Artist Colors® GAC 100.)
- Synthetic 60wt thread
- Anti-fraying liquid (I use Dritz® Fray Check™.)
- Artist crayons such as Derwent Inktense blocks or pencils, or Caran d’Ache®
Neocolor II wax pastels
NOTE: Any sheer fabric can be used for this technique. I have found that silk
organza is the most transparent, however, I have also used polyester sheers such
as those used for sheer curtains. Don’t discount using printed sheer fabrics and
the eff ect of the background wall color showing through a sheer, painted wall
hanging. Th ese directions focus on silk organza to illustrate the technique.
- Prepare a drawing in 2 layers.
Think about creating depth
by making a foreground and a
background. In “Painted Lilies,”
the foreground is composed of
the fl owers and their stems plus
2 leaves. The background is
composed of several leaves, some
painted and others only quilted. - Draw the completed line drawings
of the foreground and background
on white paper with a fi ne-line
marker making sure the lines are
dark enough to show through a
layer of freezer paper. - Make liquid stabilizer by cutting
a 12" square of heavyweight
stabilizer into 1" square pieces
and dissolving them in 1 cup of
warm water. Allow several hours
for the stabilizer to dissolve. - Place the organza on a sheet of
plastic. Using a 2"–3" fl at brush
spread the liquid stabilizer over
the organza. Let the wet fabric rest
for 15–30 minutes and then hang
it to dry. - When the organza is dry, square
it up, if needed, by pulling on the
sides and corners and pressing
with a dry iron.
Before painting
- Tape the drawing with painter’s
tape to the white foamcore or
heavy white paper. - Cut a piece of freezer paper large
enough to cover the drawing. Tape
the freezer paper over the drawing
with the shiny side facing up. - Tape the organza over the freezer
paper. Tape at the top only and do
not iron.
“P“Paiaintnteded LLililieies”s” •• 88""x 1010""