Quilting Arts

(Martin Jones) #1

Finishing tips

  • When the painted and stitched
    organza foreground is complete,
    brush stabilizer solution over the
    entire sheer fabric. Hang it to dry,
    and then press and straighten it.

  • To minimize any fraying on the
    cut edges of silk organza, apply a
    thin line of anti-fraying solution
    on the cut edges directly from the
    applicator bottle. A thick line of
    anti-frying solution will create a
    shiny line so keep the line as thin
    as possible. To fi nish edges on
    polyester sheers, use an electric
    stencil burner to cut the edges.
    This will melt the polyester and
    stop any fraying.

“The Promise” shows the evolution
of my painted sheers experiments.
It has a separate, painted top layer
of silk organza plus a painted and
heavily quilted ‘base’ that is below it.

These 2 layers are attached only at the
top edge, so the organza overlay will
gently fl oat away from the base if a
breeze wafts by.

Lessons I’ve learned

  • Always use synthetic thread for this technique. If natural fi ber thread is used—such as cotton or silk—submerging the fi nished
    piece in warm water to remove the stabilizer may cause the thread to shrink, rippling the fi nished piece.

  • Brushing the piece with stabilizer solution will help discourage fraying of the cut edge of the foreground overlay.

Thoughts on color

Leaves, fl owers, and most elements in nature are not just
one color. In the shadow areas are darker colors and in
the sunny areas you will see lighter colors. Light colors
advance, dark colors recede. If you color a stem in front
of a leaf the same value/color as the background leaf, the
stem will disappear into the leaf. You must make the leaf
a darker color around the stem area so it will pop out. It
will be darker in shadow areas, may have some yellow at
the tip, or it could have some orange or brown in it. Don’t
be afraid to try some purple in the shadows.

Finishing tips

  • When the painted and stitched
    f d ilt

“The Promise” shows the evolution
of my painted sheers experiments.
It has a separate, painted top layer

These 2 layers are attached only at the
top edge, so the organza overlay will
gently fl oat away from thehh base if a

“The Promise”
(detail showing
organza layer and base)
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