Animal Talk – July 2019

(Barry) #1


Time for

doggy yoga


oggy yoga is a fun dog exercise class
where we help dogs build healthier bodies.
The focus is on improving flexibility, balance and
strength in a positive and safe way. Doggy yoga
also emphasises calmness and focus. Doggy
yoga classes start off with a guided massage
session, during which the owner learns to identify
potential problems in their dog through touch.
This is followed by fun yet challenging exercises
using a variety of equipment, including exercise
balls and balance beams. At the end of the class,
owners are guided through a stretching session
for their dogs.
Ansi van der Walt, physiotherapist

What is doggy yoga and how
does it work?

Do flyball


ny breed of dog can partake in flyball. As
long as the dog can fetch a tennis ball and
has a solid recall, he can join in the fun. Obviously,
the dog has to be fit, healthy and able to run as
fast as possible. If you have a senior dog, or a dog

Who can enjoy flyball?

suffering from an ailment such as hip dysplasia, it
is highly recommended that you consult with your
vet first before exposing your dog to such a high-
paced sport.
Christine Broadbent, Flyball Infinity member


efore participating in any games, both you and your dog need to understand that all games have
rules that should be adhered to. Because pets don’t always understand the human rules, we have
to teach them the rules.
RULE 1 – Humans control games and therefore you should start and end the game on your terms. You
should initiate the game when you are ready. Set the tone of the game and if it gets too rough, end the
RULE 2 – Play with durable toys and not human limbs – teach your pet that your limbs are not prey
RULE 3 – The toy belongs to the human. At the end of a game, put the toy away – offer your dog a
high-value treat in exchange for the toy and when he drops it, say a word like “drop”. He will eventually
respond appropriately to “drop”.
Always end the game on a positive note. This way your dog will look forward to your next play
session. Remember that your dog will not always be in the mood to play, especially if he is tired.
Respect that and don’t force him into a game when he doesn’t feel like it.
Small animal veterinarian

Game rules
Are there any rules to follow when playing games with my dog?

Agility is a series of skills
that are taught individually
and then chained together.
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