Animal Talk – July 2019

(Barry) #1

Are whiskers hair?


ou’ll be forgiven for thinking that whiskers are hair and part of
a cat’s coat, but this is not true. Whiskers are not hair and are
embedded deeper in the cat’s body than her coat. There is a follicle loaded
with nerves at the root of the whisker, and this connects the whiskers to
the muscular and nervous system. These sensors send information about
the cat’s surroundings to her nervous system, which help her to navigate
her way around.
Small animal veterinarian

A cat’s whiskers are much harder

than the rest of her coat. Are

whiskers made of hair?


ats are unique in their reaction to catnip, and the response can be very dramatic in some
cats – rolling, licking, rubbing, drooling, jumping, running and growling. Other cats appear
to become very sedate after exposure. And then there are the few (up to 30% of the cat population)
who don’t respond at all to catnip. In any case, for all of the (sometimes entertaining) behaviours
seen, catnip is completely non-toxic to cats.
If a large quantity of fresh catnip is consumed, you may see some vomiting or diarrhoea, but this is rare
and self-limiting. If your cat experiences this, limit or withhold the catnip.
Small animal veterinarian

Catnip overdose

My cat goes completely crazy over catnip, which is really funny to
watch, but is it dangerous?

New name


t is possible to change a dog’s name and can be done,
especially if the name is long, sounds like a cue such as sit, or
similar to another family member’s name. Ideally, a name should
be two syllables, easy to pronounce and not embarrassing when
you call your dog in public.
To change your new dog’s name is quite easy. Start by carrying
treats with you. Wait until the dog is relatively close to you, then
call out the new name in a happy, excited tone of voice. As soon
as your dog looks at you, immediately give him a treat. Do this
often the first few days. He will quickly learn that the word means
something good and he will respond when you call his new name.
You can gradually reduce the frequency of treats, but always
praise him when he looks at or comes to you when you call him.
Small animal veterinarian

Can I change my adopted dog’s name to something easier
for us to remember? Will it confuse the dog if we do?



uch time needs to be spent on a
parrot. Apart from cleaning his
cage and feeding him, a parrot needs
a lot of love, attention and training.
A parrot never ‘grows up’ to look
after himself and will never be
independent. He needs a lot of
attention and if
you are single
and spend much time
away from home, then a
parrot may not be
for you.

I’m thinking of getting a parrot, but are
they time-consuming pets?

Small animal veterinarian
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