Rishimukh – July 2019

(Romina) #1
cell of your body. It engulfs you totally. It
burns and moves on. There is 100% totality
of alertness and awareness. But, if you do
not allow this fire to come up, then a little
desire still lingers and immediately, it is
cooled down. Then, your power or shakti, the
potentiality in you goes down and becomes
dormant. And you become more inert and
less sensitive. There is no vigour, valour,
joy or enthusiasm in anything that you do.
This is the reason that people who are very
promiscuous do not have much enthusiasm.
They do not have the force, will, or strength
to do anything.

  1. Jatara Agni – the fire of hunger and
    digestion. This is one of the important
    principles in Ayurveda – Jatara Agni. If the fire
    of digestion is less or more, it affects your
    balance. When there is fever, we just treat
    the symptoms. We do not understand the
    principles involved. When a foreign body
    enters your body, it turns on the heat and
    there is fever. During a fever, your body is
    operating on its defense mechanism. It
    is burning up all the foreign bacteria and
    viruses that have entered it. As soon as
    they are destroyed, the fever comes down.
    It purifies the system by getting rid of the
    foreign matter.

But, you don’t even allow the hunger to
come up in you. You keep stuffing things
into your mouth even before you are hungry.
This makes you more toxic and your body
gets affected. Many people get disease or
die because of overeating, and not really
of hunger. Nowadays, very few people die
of hunger. However, more and more people
are dying of overeating, because they have

not let the fire of hunger come up in them.
We have never kindled that fire. This is the
principle of fasting. When you fast, every cell
of your body becomes alive. It is a very good
therapy. It can cleanse your system. The
jatara agni can cleanse you of all toxins. When
your head is clogged with worry, tension and
unpleasant thoughts, nightmares, Fasting is
of great help.

A lot of research has been done on the
benefits of ‘Fasting’. You should fast and
allow the jatara agni to come up in you. It can
purify your blood and remove toxins from
your body. It can help you feel better. Fasting
and prayers are part of Christianity, Jainism,
Islam, almost all the religions of the world.
This is because ‘fasting’ touches the deepest
of your past samskaras or impressions present
in you, i.e. eat, eat, and just eat. There are
people who just go on fasting without being
aware of the connected factors; too much
fire also can burn you down. Fasting should
be done with an understanding of it. There
are people who go to extremes. Either, they
overeat or go on too much fasting. Neither
is good. Fasting in moderation and with
guidance can cleanse your system and bring

  1. Premaagni or jnaanaagni – Fire of Love.
    This Love creates such a fire in you. The fire
    of love can really lift you up from the fear of
    criticism. The fire of love is so strong that
    you do not mind people’s opinions. It takes
    you totally. The fire of knowledge and the fire
    of love are the same. They are synonymous.
    Fire of love begins with a longing - an intense
    longing. It feels so new that it can also feel
    uncomfortable. This fire can be experienced





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