Scubashooters – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1

according to others, was thrown on the rocks
of the island of Krk. The captain’s attempts
to rescue the ship were vain and the ship,
60 m long, sank in sailing trim at a maximum
depth of 31 meters.

Only 4 of the 13 crewmembers survived.
The captain’s body was found inside the

ship’s wreckage a few months later. A.k.a.
the “Honey Wreck” or “Klimno’s Wreck”, from
the name of the bay of the island of Krk near
which the wreck is located.

For the curious, the Peltastis name comes
from the name of the Thracian infantry mer-
cenaries (ancient people of the present-day
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