Physics Times – July 2019

(Darren Dugan) #1
Electromagnetic Induction

1.Magnetic Flux()
The magnetic flux through a small surface of area

dA is d B dA 

 

(^) B

-magnetic field,

  • area vector defined normal to the surface.
    Flux through a large surface is

   B dA B A B(if

   
 is uniform)
SI units: Tesla/meter^2 or weber(Wb)

  1. Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic
    (I) Induced E.M.F

 

    

d d
e N N
dt dt
(II) Induced Current

    
  
I e N d
R R dt
(III) Induced Charge

d d
dq i dt dt
R dt R

      
  

 


 

  1. Lenz's Law
     The direction of the induced emf is always such
    that it tends to oppose the change in magnetic flux
    that has caused it.

  2. Motional EMF
    The induced emf due to the motion of electric
    conductor in the presence of magnetic field is called
    as motional emf. Motional emf can arise either by
    translation or rotation of a conductor.

  3. Motional emf due to translation
    Consider a conductor, moving with a velocity

v, in a magnetic field B

The general expression for motional EMF across
the ends of a rod having irregular shape as
shown in the figure is  V Bl v' '

Where l' is effective length which is equal to

the shortest distance between the two end points
P and Q.
v'- Component of velocity perpendicular to l'
B - External magnetic field which is perpendicular
to both v' and l'

  1. Motional emf due to rotation
    Consider a conducting rod rotating with angular
    velocity  about an axis passing through one of
    its ends. The length of the rod is l.
    The general expression for motional EMF across
    the ends of a rod which is in rotation about P.



  V B l

l' is the effective length of the rod.

  1. Induced EMF in a sliding Conductor
    Consider a conducting rod of length l that moves
    on a U-shaped loop. An external force acts on the
    rod to move it with velocity v.

(I)Induced current

Induced current

in 

(II) Magnetic force on the conductor
 ^22
    
in  
F Bi l B Bvl l B vl
(III) Power dissipiated in moving the conductor
2 2 2
 . 

 
agent agent
P dW F v B v l
dt R
(IV) Electrical power

Electromagnetic Induction

1.Magnetic Flux( )

  1. Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic

  2. Lenz's Law

  3. Motional EMF

  4. Motional emf due to translation

  1. Motional emf due to rotation

  1. Induced EMF in a sliding Conductor

(^2) 2 2 2
P i R Bvl R B v l
   
  

  1. Electro Magnetic Induction

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