(singke) #1
“It Can’t Be a Bug, My Makefile Depends on It!” 195

free until they are put into extraordinary circumstances, whereupon they
mysteriously fail.

Lisp implementations usually have real exception-handling systems. The
exceptional conditions have names like OUT-OF-MEMORY and the pro-
grammer can establish exception handlers for specific types of conditions.
These handlers get called automatically when the exceptions are raised—
no intervention or special tests are needed on the part of the programmer.
When used properly, these handlers lead to more robust software.

The programming language CLU also has exception-handling support
embedded into the language. Every function definition also has a list of
exceptional conditions that could be signaled by that function. Explicit lin-
guistic support for exceptions allows the compiler to grumble when excep-
tions are not handled. CLU programs tend to be quite robust since CLU
programmers spend time thinking about exception-handling in order to get
the compiler to shut up. C programs, on the other hand...

Date: 16 Dec 88 16:12:13 GMT
Subject: Re: GNU Emacs
From: [email protected]

In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Lars Pensj) writes:
...It is of vital importance that all programs on their own check
results of system calls (like write)....

I agree, but unfortunately very few programs actually do this for read
and write. It is very common in Unix utilities to check the result of
the open system call and then just assume that writing and closing
will go well.

Reasons are obvious: programmers are a bit lazy, and the programs
become smaller and faster if you don’t check. (So not checking also
makes your system look better in benchmarks that use standard utili-

The author goes on to state that, since most Unix utilities don’t check the
return codes from write() system calls, it is vitally important for system
administrators to make sure that there is free space on all file systems at all
time. And it’s true: most Unix programs assume that if they can open a file
for writing, they can probably write as many bytes as they need.

Things like this should make you go “hmmm.” A really frightening thing
about the Miller et al. article “An Empirical Study of the Reliability of
Unix Utilities” is that the article immediately preceding it tells about how

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