Symbols and Numbers
!!!SuperLock!!! 296
!xxx%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s 150
"Worse Is Better" design approach 8
%50, 152
.cshrc 118, 254
.login 118, 254
.rhosts 244
.Xauthority file 130
.Xdefaults 132, 134
.Xdefaults-hostname 133
.xinitrc 133
.xsession 133
/ You are not expected to understand this */ 55
/bin/login 251
/bin/mail 290
/bin/passwd 245
/dev/console 138
/dev/crt0 137
/dev/ocrt0 137
/etc/exports 289
/etc/getty 251
/etc/groups 244
/etc/mtab 298
/etc/passwd 73
/etc/termcap 116
/tmp 228, 296
/usr/include 181
/usr/lib/emacs/lock 295, 296
/usr/ucb/telnet 252
>From 79
? 17, 152, 185
~/.deleted 23
110% 277
[email protected] 51, 241, 299
A/UX 11
accountants 164
Adams, Rick 99
adb 291