326 Index
PostScript 141
power tools 147
pr 175
preface xix
process id 39
process substitutuion 152
programmer evolution 215
programming 173
programming by implication 177
Project Athena 288
Pros and Cons of Suns xxiv
ps 8, 73
pwd 241
QuickMail 87
Rainbow Without Eyes 46
[email protected] 22
Ranum, Marcus J. 123
Raymond, Eric xxxi
RCS 34, 237
rdist 236
read 189
readnews 102
real-time data acquisition 197
rec.food.recipes 100
recv 189
recvfrom 189
recvmsg 189
Reid, Brian 100
reliability 85
An Empirical Study of the Reliability of Unix
Utilities 190
religious ecstasy 161
Request for Comments 77
responsibility 85
Ressler, Sandy 37
RFC822 78
RFCs 77
"Right Thing" design approach 311
RISKS 13, 258
Ritchie, Dennis xxx, xxxv, 5, 280, 307
early Unix distribution 229
rite of passage 23
rk05 229
rlogin 118
rm 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30, 35, 295
-i 28
rmdir 30, 295
rn 101
rna 102
Robbins, Steve 298
Rolls-Royce 221
Roman numeral system xx
root, see superuser
Rose, John xxiv
Rose, M. Strata xxxi
Rosenberg, Beth xxxi
Roskind, Jim 208
round clocks 136
routed 8
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 7
Roylance, Jerry 298
RPC 292
[email protected] 50, 65, 226, 248
Rubin, Paul xxxi, 253
Ruby, Dan xxxi
Salz, Rich xxx
[email protected] 231
Scheme 173, 315
Schilling, Pete 13
Schmucker, Kurt xxxi
Schwartz, Randal L. 24
SCO 11
bit-mapped 111
[email protected] 209
Seastrom, Robert E. 50, 65, 104, 226, 248, 261
security 243
find 166
Sekiguchi, Steve 275
send 189
sendmail 61, 62, 63, 65, 83, 239, 256, 257
>From 79
configuration file 74
history 63