PC Magazine 08.2019

(Michael S) #1

Facebook Marketplace and eBay allow you to report sellers, but there are
ways to report abuses of any kind.

The online tool Fakespot rates how reliable product pages are on Amazon, Best
Buy, Google, Sephora, Steam, TripAdvisor, Walmart, and Yelp. Fakespot’s
algorithm looks at both review and reviewer, analyzing language, previous
reviews, and purchase history to determine trustworthiness.

Just copy and paste the page’s URL it onto the Fakespot website, and it will
investigate the link. Once it’s done, Fakespot spits out a grade that should tell
you whether the page has reliable information.

product rating. This grade won’t tell you if the product in question is actually
good or bad, but it will allow you to make a more informed decision.
webpage with the push of a button. Fakespot is also available as an app for iOS
and Android, where pages can be shared through a web browser to the app for
quick analysis.

Another tool, called ReviewMeta, works pretty much the same way as FakeSpot,
paste the URL in question, but in this case, ReviewMeta does not hand out a
grade for the webpage. Instead, it eliminates the reviews it deems unreliable
and replaces Amazon’s aggregate rating with one from ReviewMeta.

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