Pro OpenGL ES for iOS

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214 CHAPTER 7: Well-Rendered Miscellany^


[[OpenGLCreateTexture getObject]renderTextureAt:centerRelative name:m_FlareSource
size:3.0 r:1.0 g:1.0 b:1.0 a:1.0];
[m_LensFlare execute:[[UIScreen mainScreen]applicationFrame]
I put the helper routines for creating and rendering a texture on their own module,
renderTextureAt(), which is covered in Listing 7-6. However, there are three lines to
take note of:
„ Lines 1ff get the center of the screen and creates the information
needed to track the flare source (the sun) with the pointer.
„ In line 2, the flare’s source object, usually the sun, is rendered.
„ Line 3 calls the helper routine that draws our 2D sun graphic in
the sky.
Listing 7-6. Rendering a 2D texture

-(void)renderTextureAt:(CGPoint)position name:(GLuint)name
size:(GLfloat)size r:(GLfloat)r g:(GLfloat)g b:(GLfloat)b a:(GLfloat)a; //1
float scaledX,scaledY;
GLfloat zoomBias=.1;
GLfloat scaledSize;

static const GLfloat squareVertices[] =
-1.0, -1.0, 0.0,
1.0, -1.0, 0.0,
-1.0, 1.0, 0.0,
1.0, 1.0, 0.0,

static GLfloat textureCoords[] =
0.0, 0.0,
1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0

CGRect frame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
float aspectRatio=frame.size.height/frame.size.width;

scaledX=2.0*position.x/frame.size.width; //2

glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); //3
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