Pro OpenGL ES for iOS

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234 CHAPTER 7: Well-Rendered Miscellany^

O K , t a k e a d e e p b r e a t h -----we have more to cover. Listing 7-13 demonstrates the new
drawLight() routine, while Listing 7-14 demonstrates drawPlatform(). The meat of the
exercise is Listing 7-15, calculating the shadow’s matrix, and Listing 7-16, drawing the
shadow. Are you tingling yet? I know I am.
Listing 7-13. The modified drawLight() routine

static GLbyte lampVertices[]={0,0,0}; //1


glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); //2

glPointSize(5.0); //3
glLightfv(lightNumber, GL_POSITION, iLightPos ); //4

glRotatef(m_WorldRotationX, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); //5
glRotatef(m_WorldRotationY, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

glTranslatef( iLightPosX, iLightPosY, iLightPosZ ); //6

glColor4f( 1.0, 1.0, 0, 1.0); //7
glVertexPointer( 3, GL_BYTE, 0, lampVertices ); //8
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0,1);


The preceding code will draw a round dot to the screen, showing where the light source
is located at any moment.
„ Since we want only a single point to draw, we can specify a single
vertex at the origin in line 1.
„ GL_POINT_SMOOTH is something new. It tells OpenGL that any points it
draws should be round. Without this, the light would be rendered as a
„ Line 3 is another new call that tells the system that the point is to be 5
pixels across. The maximum size can vary on different devices but can
typically go up to 64 or 128 pixels in diameter.
„ Now we can set the absolute position of the actual light here in line 4.
„ Lines 5ff rotate the lamp in world space, while line 6 translates it.
„ The color is set to yellow via line 7, while lines 8ff supply the vertex
and then draw it via glDrawArrays().
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