Pro OpenGL ES for iOS

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286 CHAPTER 8: Putting It All Together^

And surprisingly, the performance generally holds up. So, it has two things going for it.
The downside is that it will lock you even more into the iOS universe. Considering that
OpenGL ES is an industry standard, you might want to consider the implications of
mixing the standard with nonstandard objects. In fact, many authors eschew any
Objective-C and iOS-specific stuff as much as they can, rolling their own UI within the
OpenGL world. That way, ports to other devices can be reduced to days, instead of

Figure 8-10. Adding interface elements to the solar system

In Distant Suns I have a date/time widget on the left side of the screen that lets users
very quickly advance forward or backward in time (Figure 8-11). That was completely
rendered in the OpenGL layer, largely to see whether I could do it. It looks and works
very well, while the bottom and top toolbars are standard issue UIKit models.
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