■ Index 349
texture units, 184–185
textureCoords, 145, 147, 149, 151, 153, 190
textureCoords2, 190
textures, 133, 166, 296
bouncy square example, 143–159
filtering, 155–157
mipmaps, 152–155
OpenGL ES API extensions and PVRTC,
description of, 134–136
image, 136–137
image formats, 142–143
OpenGL ES API and, 137–141
solar system model, 159–165
uploading, 297
tFan, 66
tiling model, 140
timeSinceLastUpdate, 23, 25
toolkits, 11–14
Direct3D, 11–12
OGRE, 13
OpenGL, 11
OpenSceneGraph, 13
others, 13–14
QuickDraw 3D, 12–13
Unity3D, 13
Track Display pane, for OpenGL analyzer, 304
transformations, 60
translating, 53
translation matrix, 24, 60
translations, 34
triangle fans, 62–64, 66
triangle pairs, 104
trilinear sampling, 156
tweaking values, 26
UIButtons, 285
UIImageView object, 34
UIs (User Interfaces), for solar system model,
UIView object, 20, 285
unitless entities, 138
Unity3D, 13
University of Utah, 6–7
update( ) method, 337–338
User Interfaces (UIs), for solar system model,
values, tweaking, 26
vanishDist value, 267–268, 270
VAOs (vertex array objects), 21, 318
VBOs (Vertex Buffer Objects), 289–299
batching, 295–296
color formats, 297–298
interleaved data, 295
mipmaps, 297
sprite sheets, 296–297
textures, 296–297
tips on, 298–299
vertex array objects (VAOs), 21, 318
vertex buffer, 21
Vertex Buffer Objects. See VBOs
vertex shader, 308, 310–311, 314, 316–317,
320–322, 326
viewcontroller, 15, 56, 58, 85, 250, 252, 256
viewDidLoad( ) method, 68, 85, 97, 154, 194,
205, 230, 239–240, 250
viewing frustum, 24
viewport, 45–48
volumes, shadow, 227–228
von Helmholtz, Hermann, 92
vPtr value, 99, 101–102
Warnock, John, 7
Whitted, Turner, 10
WiFi activity, 299
winding, 65
windingness, 66
X, Y
xyz coordinates, 265–266
Z-axis, 58, 75, 85
z-buffering, 130–131
zFar, 67, 74–75
zNear, 67–68, 74–75, 88–89
zoomBias affects, 216