Petersen’s Bowhunting – September 2019

(Wang) #1
than once in the minutes that followed. Within seconds,
I went from creeping through timber seemingly devoid
of elk to having the bull of a lifetime on the ground.
The bull just kept getting bigger as I approached. He
was incredible, and the big, snot-dripping 6x6 from day
three suddenly didn’t seem so big. The earlier bull quickly
became a distant, but still cherished, memory.
I celebrated, paying my respects in
my own quiet yet meaningful way, be-
fore tackling the task before me. Dark-
ness fell soon after I found the bull, so
I worked well into the night by head-
lamp. Handling that animal weigh-
ing four times as much as I do, in the

dark, alone, is about as frustratingly happy as I can ever
remember being. I eventually got him skinned, quar-
tered and hanging in game bags, then I slogged my way
back to camp. I felt an unbelievable sense of accomplish-
ment as I finally drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, I was up early to make the two-mile
hike closer to Mineral Mountain Outfitters’ base camp
and get within radio range to request a pack-out. During
the three-hour ride out, the massive elk rack on top of
the pack mule in front of me was spectacular to watch,
and I was flooded with gratitude. All that could be heard
was the creaking of saddle leather and the clicking of
horseshoes. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been
so relaxed and content, yet so excited.

Long pack trains back to civilization go
by much faster when you have a huge
elk rack to stare at along the way.

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