Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Eve destroys any hope Jack has of regain-
ing his memory when she smashes the
vials of serum that could restore it. “Jack’s
in a blind rage,” says portrayer Matthew
Ashford, adding that Jack reacts by demand-
ing a divorce. “It’s a knee-jerk reaction:
‘You destroyed that, so I’ll destroy this.’ ”
Jack heads to the hospital, where he fills
in Kayla and Jennifer about what went down
with Eve. “Now he has nothing left,” laments
Ashford. “He thinks it’s all gone.” Kayla
explains that the hospital still has notes on the
serum. “So there’s one last glimmer of hope.
Jack calls the lab to ask about these notes, but
learns there’s been a police raid. They picked
up the notes and brought them back to the
police station.”
Jack and Jennifer race to the cop shop
together. When they arrive, Eve has just
finished putting all the notes through the
shredder. “Jack’s furor is at a new level,” con-
tinues Ashford. “Eve’s standing there having
taken charge of everything as the police com-
missioner. The only thing Jack can do is
remove her immediately, so he fires her.”

After learning about Thomas’s dark his-
tory, Flo decides to finally tell Wyatt the
truth about Beth. “This is probably the
most difficult thing I’ve ever had to take
on as an actor,” remarks Katrina Bowden
(Flo). “Neurologically speaking, your brain
doesn’t know if you’re pretending or not,
so it has been a roller coaster. Speaking
for both Flo and myself, I’m really glad
she finally comes clean, and hopefully the
payoff will be worth it.”
Things take a turn before Flo can unburden
herself. “Flo learns through Wyatt that Liam
is investigating the circumstances surround-
ing Phoebe’s birth, and apparently he finds
out a lot,” she notes. “Liam then confronts Flo
in front of Wyatt, just as she was about to tell
Wyatt everything, so it’s a bit of a mess. Liam
bursts through the door, she is on the spot,
she tells everything that she did and she also
explains Thomas’s involvement. Flo sensed
there was something not right about Thomas.
She finds out from her aunts that he has done
some crazy things, and now she realizes that
it’s showing its head again.”

What Will

review! Happen

Flo Spills To Wyatt

Jack Dumps Eve

To Tell The
Truth: Flo
’fesses up.

Point: Jack
calls it quits
with Eve




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