Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
What’s your character’s hottest
quality?“Her expressive passion
for all that she holds dear.”
What would Liam say is the
hottest thing about Steffy? “Her self-
Which of Steffy’s outfits do you think
was her hottest? “All-black leather
In your opinion, who do you think is
B&B’s hottest couple? “Stephanie
and Eric. They were quite the
power couple through the years.”
What’s the hottest topic of
conversation in the B&B makeup
room? “If I told you, I would
have to kill you. What happens
in the makeup room stays in the
makeup room. It’s code.”
What’s your spouse’s hottest quality?
“His exceptional intellect.”
What’s your idea of a hot date?
“Going someplace tucked away
where it’s just us. There’s also
something fun about discovering
a place for the first time together.”
What’s the hottest song on your
playlist? “Caribou — ‘Can’t Do
Without You’. ”
Favorite thing to do on a hot day? “I
am a beach girl. Malibu, baby!”
Who would you say is a classic hot
movie couple?“Mr. And Mrs.
What’s the hottest city you’ve visited in
terms of atmosphere and things
to do?“New York. There’s so
much to do in the city that never
Which is your edible preference:
Hot peppers, hot sauce or Red Hots
candy?“Hot sauce!”

bold and beautiful

Jacqueline MacInnes


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