Soap Opera Digest – August 05, 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
When do you feel you look your hottest?
“Oh, my goodness! I mean, I think I
can answer this for women everywhere,can answer this for women everywhere,
but when I’m drunk —but when I’m drunk —and I rarely getand I rarely get
drunk —drunk —I’m like, ‘Yeah!’ Nobody inI’m like, ‘Yeah!’ Nobody in
that room is hotter than me.”that room is hotter than me.”
What makes Phyllis hot?“Well, I
would have to say her clothes. Iwould have to say her clothes. I
mean, they’re pretty great.”mean, they’re pretty great.”
What was Phyllis’s hottest pairing?
“I kind of have to go with the
Phyllis/Nick thing because of thePhyllis/Nick thing because of the
circumstances. I think it was thecircumstances. I think it was the
hottest definitely in the beginning.hottest definitely in the beginning.
It kind of came out of nowhere, asIt kind of came out of nowhere, as
well. Her other pairings were otherwell. Her other pairings were other
things. They were just as valid, butthings. They were just as valid, but
Phyllis and Nick were meant to bePhyllis and Nick were meant to be
dangerous and animalistic and hot.”dangerous and animalistic and hot.”
Who is the hottest celebrity?“There are
so many, of course. I think Idris many, of course. I think Idris Elba.
He’s pretty hot. I’mHe’s pretty hot. I’mgoing with him.”going with him.”
What quality do you find hottest in the
opposite sex?“Someone who is funny,
but also charming, interested in me, notbut also charming, interested in me, not
looking around the room while he’slooking around the room while he’s
talking to me. Not looking at his phonetalking to me. Not looking at his phone
and his Instagram when he’s with me.and his Instagram when he’s with me.
These are just basic things thatThese are just basic things that
people should do.”people should do.”
Hottest song on your
summer playlist?
“ ‘Blurred Lines’ is
always a good one. Italways a good one. It
still holds.”still holds.”
Hottest movie of all
time? “There’s one old
standard,standard,Body HeatBody Heat,,
which Ms. Kimwhich Ms. KimZimmerZimmer
was in. She was so good and it’swas in. She was so good and it’s
an amazing, amazing movie. Andan amazing, amazing movie. And
Mr. and Mrs. SmithMr. and Mrs. Smithwas prettywas pretty
hot, I felt.”hot, I felt.”




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